Chapter 1 - The Sorting Hat

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Taking off her old clothes was the ultimate ending that life would never be the same. When she donned the all-black Hogwarts uniform, Alana knew there was no turning back: she was inevitably and irrevocably a witch. Brianna walked over to her, helping pull the collar of her white shirt out of pullover.

"We'll go through the Sorting Hat, and then our robes will be given the color of the houses, that's what Mommy said" Brianna couldn't stay still, moving her hands to arrange her clothes, or Alana's, or even Nori's, who every time pushed her hand away impatiently with a snort.

"Do you already know which house you want?" Alana asked.

"Not much to choose from," replied Nori. "You go to the house that you have to go."

"But if you could choose, which ones would you like?" Alana didn't know Much about the houses, she would like it to be sorted in the same of the two. At least in the same house as Brianna.

"Slytherin," they both replied at the same time.

"The greatest wizards were from Slytherin," completed Nori.

"Anything but Hufflepuff." Brianna rose from her chair, pacing back and forth. "But Gryffindor wouldn't make Daddy happy. I think you'll go to Ravenclaw, Alana".

"I agree." Nori chuckled through his nose.

"I don't want to go to the same house as that boy," Alana was referring to Draco Malfoy.

"He'll probably go to Slytherin, all the Malfoys are from there." Nori wrinkled her nose.

Alana sighed. Apparently, everything couldn't be perfect, if staying in the same house as Brianna and Nori meant spending more time with Draco Malfoy, that would be a price to pay.

"I don't want to be in the same house as Harry Potter," said Nori. And Brianna just nodded.

For them, it would be the worst case scenario, Harry Potter would be the event of the century for the house that picked him.

Alana stuffed the pockets of her robe with the leftover sweets and followed the stream of students pushing each other to the small platform outside.

"Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here! All right there, Harry?"

The man who said that was enormous. Disheveled, bearded and above all, with a huge friendly smile in the direction of a single student. Alana looked down from the giant to the boy to finally see Harry Potter, there was nothing extraordinary to see, slender, gangly, with glasses and messy hair.

"The favoritism has begun," grumbled Nori beside her.

"Shhh, they must have known each other before, Nori. Be less bitter." Brianna rolled her eyes, pushing her brother forward.

"But he could ask if we all are right!" He whispered indignantly.

"Shhhhh, Nori!"

Brianna and Nori pushed each other and only stopped when the huge man repeated for them to follow. Alana was amused to see how the two irritated each other, as she was an only child, she couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy.

They followed the man down a path to the side of a forest, despite the darkness that prevented them from seeing anything, Alana was sure, they could hear the life within it. She stopped to listen to the sounds when someone bumped into her, pushing her to the side.

"Hurry up! Or are you going to stand in the way like an idiot?"

Obviously, Draco Malfoy.

Nori took a step towards him and Brianna held him as the boy walked away.

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