fight until the last round

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"What happened?", Fabio looked at me with wide eyes "Man what a fuck up. Do you want to move in with me for a while? So just until this whole thing settles down a bit. Max is welcome too, of course."
"That's sweet, but no. I don't want to leave the horses alone. Otherwise we could have just moved to Monaco. Max still has his apartment there."
"Honestly, you really should! I'm really worried."
"Nothing's happened yet. Except for the Cassiopeia thing."
"And the fire and Max getting pepper sprayed in the face and there's a fucking stranger walking through your house. Nothing at all.", he said sarcastically.
"Fabio, I..."
"No. Shit, you have to think about your own life! You're my best friend. I don't want to have to go to your funeral!" he said seriously.
"I do. I'll be fine. I mean whoever there is a problem with my family, it can't be me. I mean I've never hurt anyone and..."
"People are fucking dangerous. Please Flori, take this seriously!"
"Believe me, I take it seriously."
"Don't feel that way," he squeezed my hand, "I'm just worried."
"I know you are, but-" a dog bark interrupted me. Fabio and I looked at each other confused as Max came into the kitchen with a large dog on a leash.
"This is Asmodeus.", he said, obviously having trouble holding the dog "A Malinois, so a Belgian Shepherd.".
"Yeah, I think I need more context.", I said confused.
"Well I know how stubborn you are. And Asmodeus protects you when I'm not around. Strong protective instinct. In a pinch, he attacks."
"And how would he know who to attack?" asked Fabio, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, if I say „bite" and point at someone, then..." put in Max.
"Yeah but so could the burglar," Fabio interjected as Asmodeus began to pant.
"I haven't thought about that yet," Max muttered, frowning "I have no idea. Maybe I'll call the breeder again.", he fumbled for his cell phone and let go of the leash.
Asmodeus trotted over to me and lay down at my feet. His head on his paws and puffed. He looked up at me with his loyal eyes.
"We'll keep him. No matter what he can do.", I said and squatted down next to the dog to give him a cuddle.
"Was that your motto with Max, too? I'll keep him no matter what he can do?", Fabio teased.
"Hey!", Max laughed, I waved him off laughing as well.
"Max can do a lot of things.", I laughed, Fabio almost fell over laughing.
"Too much information!" he waved it off, gasping for air.
"I was talking about racing too," I said without looking up.
"So not good in bed?", Fabio laughed loudly and now finally collapsed onto the chair laughing.
"Hello? I'm still here!", Max complained.
"No. Not bad in bed. Want details?", I raised an eyebrow.
"Please postpone me." he laughed "I'm just going to live with my imagination now."
Max sparkled at Fabio. I stood back up and turned his face to me. His gaze immediately softened again. He pressed his face against my hand.
"I hate that you can bring me down like this. I want to be pissed now." he growled, wanting to look back at Fabio, but I pulled his face down to me and kissed him.
Feeling him melt in my hands, he then growled and lifted me up a little unexpectedly "You better go Quartararo. I'm going to fuck my wife now. Very loud. Unless you want to listen, which I would find odd, but each to his own."
"Urgh.", Fabio choked "I'm leaving."
"Max, no!", I laughed and looked apologetically at Fabio.
"Max, yes.", Max growled.
"It's okay, chérie. I'd rather like him being interested in you than ignoring you." he winked "But I really don't need to hear this." he waved and then disappeared while Max carried me up the stairs like I weighed nothing.
"You have absolutely no idea how crazy you drive me." he growled, already opening the door to the bedroom "And I want you in Austria. At least for the race. I want to show you off a little. You may have 'El Diablo' written on your finger. But you're all mine.", he set me down on the floor, his hand stroking along my jaw.
"Everything about you is mine. I don't need a tattoo or a ring for that. I know you're mine.", he slumped down on the chair, still looking at me piercingly.
"Now be a good girl and take your clothes off.", he folded his hands in his lap "Do it slowly. I want to see what is mine. Every fucking inch of it. Every fucking inch of you.".

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