Jo scoffs at him as Kiara steps forward to stand beside Jo.

JJ keeps a defensive stance right behind the girls.

"He shouldn't even be in court! You should, because you're the murderer!" Ward turns his stare to Kiara.

"You have a lot of nerve showing up to court like this!" Kie continues to yell at him.

"I know you're upset. I understand that you're upset-" Jo cuts him off with a scoff.

"Upset?" she exclaims.

"He's got you all fooled!" Ward continues.

"No! We're not just upset!" Kie lunges toward Ward.

Shoupe quickly blocks her.

"Let go of her!" Jo quickly pulls Kie behind her.

JJ quickly steps in front of Jo and Kie protectively.

Sarah pulls Kie into her arms.

"Why don't you take the kooks down for a change Shoupe?" JJ hisses at him.

"Y'all wanna get arrested? Get out of here now! You need to go!" Shoupe tells them.

"This is bullshit and you know it!" Jo argues.

"I'm sorry Mr. Cameron. You and your family shouldn't be going through this."

Jo turns to Deputy Plum who is trying to console Ward.

"Oh shut up Plum. You're one of the dirtiest cops here!"

JJ pulls Jo back before Plum can react.

"You know it's not a coincidence that your daughter is sitting with us!" Kie takes one last dig at Ward.

They watch him turn around but gets pulled away by Rose.


They head back to the Chateau in the rain as they try to figure out something to help John B.

"I'm gonna testify under oath. I was there. I just need to get ahold of my sister." Sarah tells the group.

"Sister?" JJ questions.

"Kie, do you have your phone?" Sarah asks her.

Kiara hands it to her without question.

"Wheezie is the only other person that knows Rafe wasn't home that day." Sarah explains.

"Wheezie?" JJ skeptically questions.

"I dont know what else to do. I got us into this mess. I'm gonna do my best to get us out." Sarah states before she walks away from them and storms inside.

"Wheezie? Yea, that's sure gonna help us." JJ comments.

"Alright, that's enough." Jo reprimands JJ with a stare.

"Don't start on me right now Joanna. I'm still mad at you." he tells her.

She just rolls her eyes at his response.

"She was right about one thing though. We gotta do something. Our boy is a PO-dub right now, okay? He's being held captive by the enemy right now, maybe even scheduled for execution-"

Kie cuts him off.

"So what's the plan? Do we start by kidnapping Shoupe?" She rhetorically asks.

"Maybe, like that's not the worst idea actually." JJ states.

Jo makes a face at him.

"Oh, it's not?" Kie argues.

"That's actually the worst idea I've ever heard." Pope chimes in.

*Treasure and Secrets* Outer Banks Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now