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I woke up to my phone vibrating on my nightstand, i managed giving myself a good stretch right before reaching over and grabbing it, i glanced at the time just before picking up the phone and answering the caller


I let out, my raspy exhausted voice says it all, i wouldn't be surprised if i happened to scare the caller of

"Yes, y/n?"

It was my boss, Ofcourse madeleine had to be the one calling so early in the morning, the birds weren't chirping yet, god does this women get any sleep, i thought to myself

"Good morning to you to boss"

I managed to throw in some humor to earn a chuckle from her, but nothing, she seemed serious, so i cleared my throat and slowly got up pressing my back against the bed frame

"Im sorry for calling this early in the morning on a Saturday, i have no right, but this is an urgent matter and it had to be discussed as quick as possible, it couldn't wait"

She managed to inform me on how urgent the matter was and i became more intrigued to knowing what she had to say, whats so important that couldn't wait till ATLEAST 6 am in the morning? I asked myself and managed to form a proper sentence

"Alright, so whats so important that couldnt wait till 6 Am?"

I asked, she inhaled deeply on the other end of the line and that made me wonder, whats so stressing to the point where she had to inhale that deeply?

"Is everything alright?"

I now sounded concerned more then intrigued

"Yes, im going to keep this brief and simple, you basically have a job offer"

She exhaled, i furrowed my brows and looked out my window from where i was seated

"Should i be worried?"

I asked hopping for the best, i raised my brows and slightly squinted my eyes

"Yes, it is considered something amazing, however the people you will be working with want no details spared about them or their family before you completely commit and sign a sheet of paper that you will drop by the office to sign yourself, if you accept the offer"

She explained, i started wondering to why no further information was being spared, madeleine did mention the family being strictly confidential of their info being shared, wich i found even more intriguing

"So is this like a celebrity or something?"

I asked not knowing what madeleines response could be, i heard an exhausted sigh escaping madeleines lungs, i could tell she barley has gotten any sleep

"Oh trust me, its a job your gonna want to take"

She warned, wich got me all excited and pushed me some more into considering the job

"Your making it sound tem"

I chuckled, she finally decided to chuckle

"Thats cause it is tempting, your lucky for being offered this job"

She commented, i smiled to myself and i leaned forward

"Boss, you get some rest, il drop by the office at 1, just cause i have some errands to run before then, good night"

I said, she sounded relieved wich made me think, whats so special about this job, im so intrigued to the point where i know right after this very life changing phone call i wont be getting any sleep, so i used the opportunity of waking up early and decided to go on a run early morning, i got up from bed and threw on a grey gym set with a tight zip up jacket to match, i tied my hair up and grabbed my headphones to leave my apartment.

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