Nomal day? | chapter 2

Start from the beginning

"I know, right?" Hakuji said, shaking his head. "But apparently, there's some solid evidence to back it up."

The two friends continued to discuss the latest happenings at their school as they made their way towards their college, lost in their conversation.

As they reached the entrance of the college, the two friends seamlessly transitioned from their topic of discussion to the practical matter of changing their shoes. Without interrupting their conversation, they made their way to their individual shoe lockers and quickly changed into their designated school shoes.

Once they finished changing, the friends turned to each other and exchanged goodbyes,to catch up later at lunchtime. They went their separate ways.

Hakuji made his way up the stairs to reach his classroom. As he climbed, he saw a group of chatty girls standing in front of him, blocking his path to the classroom. He politely said, "Excuse me," hoping to pass through the group. However, the girls continued their conversation, seemingly ignoring his request.

Feeling frustrated, Hakuji squeezed himself between the girls, making his way through the gap they had created. As he passed through the group, he heard one of the girls shout, "Who does he think he is?"

Hakuji tried his best to ignore the comment and continued towards his classroom. Unfortunately, the girls did not let him go so easily. They cussed and jeered at him, making him feel uncomfortable and unwelcome.

Finally, Hakuji managed to reach his classroom. He slid open the door and quickly made his way towards his desk. He placed his bag down and started pulling out his notes and pencils to study for the upcoming test, trying his best to forget about the unpleasant encounter with the group of girls.

Hakuji watched as Sensei entered the room and the students stood up to show their respect. After Sensei instructed everyone to continue what they were doing, Hakuji tried to focus on his work. After 10 minutes passed, Sensei announced that everyone should clear their desks and only have a pencil visible. Hakuji followed the instructions and watched as Sensei collected everyone's phones. Once Sensei had all the phones, he distributed the testing paper and instructed everyone to begin. Hakuji felt a little annoyed but he tried to stay calm and focused on the test.

                               (Skip time)

Hakuji's P.O.V

As soon as the 4th period bell rang, the hallway was flooded with students and teachers trying to go to lunch or find their friends. I felt my phone buzz and pulled it out of my pocket. It was a text from Gyutaro asking where I was. I replied that I was on the second floor. "Here, I'm coming to you," he texted back. I told him not to, since it was going to be harder to find each other in the crowd. Instead, I suggested he get his lunch and meet me on the rooftop. "Okay," he replied.

I put in my 5.00$ and pressed A3 and C2 to get a water bottle and a rice ball. I also decided to buy a bungeoppang. After collecting what I bought, I went up to the rooftop and saw Gyutaro stuffing his face with his bento. "Gyutaro," I called out, and walked over to him. I sat down next to him and opened the package of the rice ball, and started  munching on it. We sat in comfortable silence until Gyutaro asked me if anything happened in any of my classes. I thought for a moment before sharing what I got. "Yeah, some guy in my third period apparently, he has been using his girlfriend's money without her permission and cheating on her with another chick. One of his friends was talking about it, and his girlfriend found out. She confronted him in class, and things escalated from there." I said taking a bite from my rice ball. "Is there a video of it?" Gyutoro asked curiously, I looked at him "I think so,have you checked the school Insta account they should have the video of it." I said taking another bite from my rice ball.

                     (Skip a few minutes)

After I finished eating I went to throw
away the rappers and went back to where i was sitting continuing the conversation with Gyutaro about the latest drama, until Gyutaro brought up something i didn't think he would ask " do you still get those dreams again?" He ask while looking at me and pulling out a pack of cigarettes, lighting his cigarette ,"yeah I still have them."  I replied "how long have you been having these dreams?" Gyutaro ask as he took a drag from his cigarette and exhaled the smoke slowly. I sat there thinking for a couple of seconds before I replied " I don't know maybe around 7 months." "What are your dreams about?" Gyutaro asked as taking another drag from his cigarette. "It's always about the same woman, and it's been recurring for the past few months." I replied.
"Do you possibly know what she looks like?" Gyutaro asked as he threw his cigarette on the floor and stepped on it. I thought "that's kinda hard for me to remember." I sat there thinking hard on what I could remember about her "she has pink eyes, dark brown hair that's tied in a bun with a kushi, and a delicate frame. Even tho her face was blurry her eyes were standing out." Gyutaro sat there listening to explanation about how she looks like. "What about her name?" Gyutaro asked me.
"That's something I wish I knew," I said with a sigh. "It's like I'm not supposed to know. But I can't stop thinking about her." After that, we lapsed into silence for a few moments.

"Wanna come with us to do karaoke?" Gyutaro asked, breaking the silence.

"Maybe, it depends on what time it's at," I said, pulling out my phone to check the time. "Just a few more hours and I'll be done with this place." I thought. "You know what time is it?"Gyutaro ask while getting up. "It's  10:30Am." I said as well getting up, "we should get going,class starts in 5 minutes Gyutaro."I say while putting my phone back in my pocket. "Wanna skip this period with me?" Gyutaro ask with grin on his face, I look at him "sure. Why not it's not like am doing anything important in class."

Third person view:
"But where are we skip class?" Hakuji asked looking at gyutaro "the second floor bathroom." He says. Hakuji thought about it for a moment,not a-lot of People use that bathroom "that seems like good place to skip." Hakuji said getting up from the bench "yeah,I know." Gyutaro said In a sarcastic voice. Hakuji just sighed Gyutaro sarcasm "I think we should go now before we get caught."



Name: Gyutaro Shabana

Nickname: Gyu

College: Kimetsu College

College year: Senior

Age: 22

Club: basketball and science


Name: Ume Shabana

Nickname: Daki

High school name: Kimetsu Academy

High school Year: Senior

Age: 18

Club: drama and cheerleading

"I guess the one thing that weighs on
  my heart ... is you" -Gyutaro Shabana

"No! No! No! You can't leave me! You mustn't leave me! We have to stay together  -Ume Shabana

I hope you enjoy this chapter!
See you next time!<3

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