Camp Half Blood

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"Wahooooo!" Yelled Hadrain as he cursed Muggles here and there and everywhere.Percy Jackson was talking with Chiron about how Mortals were dying and if the whole population died demigods would be gone because the gods are too stubborn to let Prometheus out and create more mortals because they wanted to be honored not Prometheus.They decided to try to make a human themself and they created this or so they thought. 

As they watched him grow from the ground they heard a raspy voice saying " I must awake my Brothers and sisters"   "Servant" Said Zeus Jumping to think that this Monster was under their control " I Order you to get me a Pepsi" " I dont take orders...

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As they watched him grow from the ground they heard a raspy voice saying " I must awake my Brothers and sisters"   "Servant" Said Zeus Jumping to think that this Monster was under their control " I Order you to get me a Pepsi" " I dont take orders, I help give them"  "Who gives them to you?" asked Athena "The Choas Insurgency"  "Who are your brothers and sisters? "The Scps"   who are the scps? "Secure Contain Protect"


"Someone has Breached the Camps Border" Shouted Carissa "Charge!" Everybody execpt the new unclaimed kids charged to see a person with a robe bellowing through the wind with a stick in hand that looked like this 

As they all charged to him He raised his stick and muttered "Bombarda" the next thing they knew was that parts of the camp were in flames then again he muttered "Sectumsempra" on a Carissa who was charging straight at him he would fix her later, h...

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As they all charged to him He raised his stick and muttered "Bombarda" the next thing they knew was that parts of the camp were in flames then again he muttered "Sectumsempra" on a Carissa who was charging straight at him he would fix her later, he had only came for the Scp.

Once getting everyone out of his way he made his way to Dare's cave and muttered  "Homenum Revelio" and saw someone behind him with a metal pole over her head and brang it down hard closing her eyes.She was caught by surpirse when he held up his hand and stoped the poleand took it then hit her on the head with it.

He walked to a spot and blasted the wall to see a 5x5 steel block with somting banging on it.As Hadradin apporached it he said "Alolohomra" and the scp that was contained burst out and looked at Hadrain Dead in the eyes 

As Hadradin apporached it he said "Alolohomra" and the scp that was contained burst out and looked at Hadrain Dead in the eyes 

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And suddnley started sobbing

Then started charging at him (Like me when I see RoBuC) and Hadrain muttered Glacius so he could have a conversation with 096

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Then started charging at him (Like me when I see RoBuC) and Hadrain muttered Glacius so he could have a conversation with 096.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 27, 2023 ⏰

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