Chapter 2

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I ended up registering at Hogwarts under the name Heather Braithewaite. I had discussed it with my grandparents at length. They wanted to know how my brother was doing. But they didn't want the wizarding world to know who I was. It was too dangerous to be associated with my brother and parents.

When I got my letter I was happy. I would go to the same school as my brother, my parents and grandparents.

(Heather Potter Braithewaite)

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(Heather Potter Braithewaite)

My head elf Fancy took me to Diagon Alley after receiving my Hogwarts letter. I got my wand, a new wardrobe, my school clothes and books, other school materials. I liked wizard clothes, but I was now just as comfortable in muggle clothes and preferred wearing them in my free time. I didn't know how other wizards would feel about that. But I wasn't sure I really cared. I would look like a proper witch as I went to events, during classes, and as I walked through the shopping district, but my free time was for me, and I would do what I wanted. As I always had.

I was giddy as I boarded the train. I wandered down the isle until I saw my brother. Honestly, he was hard to miss. Everyone was gossiping about him and he had his entourage around him. I rolled my eyes and found an empty compartment near him. He seemed shy and small. About as small as me, and I was a year younger. And he looked like a little nerd. Not that I could judge him by looks, but those were my first thoughts about him. Still everyone fauned over him like he was a god. Really it was ridiculous.

I grinned as Neville came in and smiled. "Heather! I didn't know you were a witch!" He said shyly, but I saw the spark of excitement.

I laughed. "you never asked. I knew you were a wizard. You're heir Longbottom." I stood and  held out my hand hand. "Braithewaite, Heather Braithewaite. Heir to the Braithewaite house." And possibly Potter. But nobody needed to know that.

He stood ridged like a proper pureblood. "Well met" he said formally then kiss my hand.

I smiled and sat back down. "So, how was school last year?" I asked.

He began telling me all about his friends, his classes and teachers. He mentioned my brother, but only in passing.

I nodded. "I look forward to school. It will be a nice break from my grandparents tutoring. they are slave-drivers." I said with a smirk.

He laughed. "I had heard on occasion that you were homeschooled until dinner every night."

I nodded. "Well, they gave me Sundays off. But otherwise, yes. They determined I needed as much knowledge crammed in my head as possible. I think my great grandmother was a teacher. And my grandparents felt like they failed my father by not being stricter parents. I still have a lot of freedom, but pureblood culture, and schooling are paramount to them."

Neville nodded. "Pureblood culture was also important to my gran. She believes light families have gave up too much of our tradition."

I nodded. "Yes. My family is also light. But they feel the same way. Thwy have a limit. We are not muggles after all. Knowing, understanding and even interacting with muggles is acceptable. But ultimately, we should never forget who we are."

He nodded. "I thought the Braithewaite family died out."

I nodded. "My grandmother is a Braithewaite, she made me her heir. I am also Heir Presumptive to another powerful family line, but my grandparents wish me to stay anonymous for now. If the Heir Apparent does  not claim their lordship by the time I am of age the Bank knows to pass the family inheritance to me."

Neville nodded. "And you can't devulge that information. Why?"

I grinned. "It would put me in danger. And it is a secret."

Neville looked at me closely scrutinizing everything about me. "I suspect I know your family. But I will keep quiet. There are only so many wizarding families in our neighborhood."

I nodded. "I appreciate it. My grandmother would be quite put out if people found out."

He frowned as he thought. "But aren't your grandparents dead? If you are who I believe you are, they should be."

I nodded. "Yes. I was abandoned in my home. I was raised by elves and portraits."

His eyes widened. "Is that even legal?"

I shrugged. "Probably not. But nobody knew I existed. I have no godparents. No next of kin. And nobody found me in my home. My room was silenced so I didn't hear anything that happened. They could have heard me if I was crying, obviously, but I was fast asleep when everything happened. So, our elves raised me. And my grandparent's portraits tutored me. It wasn't a bad life. Even if it gets lonely sometimes. I have friends and neighbors. I wouldn't know what to do with a real family at this point." I said with indifference.

He sat contemplating everything. "Why don't you tell people now? Don't you want to know your brother?"

I shrugged. "I'm happy. I am curious about my brother. And my grandparents want to know that he is okay. They also want to know how cultured and proper he is. But, he's a complete stranger. As are my parents. I know about my parents. My grandparents have told me about them, as have the elves. But I know my father was an embarrassment to my grandparents, even if they don't say so out right. I know the world sees them as heros. But I don't know a lot about that. My grandparents saw them as fools."

Neville looked surprised. "Why?!"

I sighed. "For one. My father tried to give away the family fortune to the light cause. Thankfully my grandfather found out and out a cap on how much my parents could spend. He didn't have full access to the family vault. Even after my grandparents death. Only a specific phrase and paperwork will open the vaults back up. If my grandparents do not find my brother worthy, he will only have rations like my parents. If he even claims the family lordship.
They also thought it was foolish not to keep our family in the family Manor. It has old wards and protections. There would have been absolutely no way anyone could have entered the home. We would have been safe.
They also thought it was foolish to have another child while in the run. One was bad enough although slightly understandable. They needed an heir. They are quite against having children in the middle of a war. But a second child was foolhardy. There was no justification for it."

Neville nodded. "I can see that. Are you hoping to be in Gryffindor?"

I shrugged. "I don't care. My grandfather was a Gryffindor, but my grandmother was a Ravenclaw. It's all the same to me."

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