Chapter 2: Being Open

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A few days go by and I am still thinking of what to say to my parents and grandmother. I go to the Lake of Reflection to... well... reflect. I'm not sure how my parents and grandmother will say or how they will react when I come out to them, but I have to try. I stay at the Lake of Reflection for most of the day. In the afternoon, Queen Janna comes to check on me. She knows I like coming to the Lake to relax and reflect.

Janna: Hello, sweet Baliyo. How have you been?
O- oh.. Grandmother.. I've been good. Just busy reflecting.

She could tell that I'm very nervous right now

Janna: Something's wrong, I can sense it.
How can you tell?
Janna: I've been watching you pacing back and forth for the past hour or so. Tell me, Baliyo, what has you so nervous?

I had to tell her the truth.

You're.. Gonna want to sit down for this, grandmother.. I feel like this will be a long talk.

Janna: I have all the time in the world. Besides, your sister is training to be the new queen. Please elaborate, Baliyo.

 I told her the truth. My heart was racing as we had a long thoughtful conversation. She seemed skeptical at first, but understood where I was coming from because I was always acting differently, especially around other males like Surak. She looks at me with her sweetest smile.

Janna: My sweet grandson, Baliyo. Thank you for telling me the truth.
You're welcome, Grandmother.
Janna: You know I'm always here for you when you need me. I'll always guide you. I'm so proud of you.

She kept smiling at me, which made me all warm and fuzzy inside. She always knew I had a heart of gold like my sister.

I just wonder how my parents would react to this news..
Janna: Your parents are very traditional, you know? They always like things to be a certain way.
I know, grandmother... that's why I am so nervous to tell them..
Janna: I'd like you to patrol with the Night Pride tonight. I know they need you, plus you can talk to Surak, Nirmala, and Rani about it.

I start yawning and rubbing my eyes

Janna: Now.. you should rest. You've got a long  night ahead.
Thank you, Grandmother... for everything.

Janna: You're welcome, sweetheart.

We both go our separate ways. She goes back to the Tree and I go back to my den to get some well deserved sleep. That night, I'm out patrolling with the Night Pride, Surak and Nirmala were talking to me while Rani scouted ahead.

Nirm: We heard that you told Queen Janna. I'm very proud of you for doing that.
Surak: We both are.
Thanks guys
Nirm: Now you need to tell Sahasi and Ananda
Surak: Knowing my sister, she'll be pretty mad at you.
W- What? My mom will be mad?
Surak: Maybe, I'm not too sure.
Nirm: You just need to be brave and tell them.

Surak and Nirmala were right, I do need to be brave when I tell my mom and dad. I know how they view homosexuality and they won't be very happy about it. But maybe my grandmother will talk some sense into them. Just having to think of what to tell them sends goosebumps radiating throughout my body. Later that night, we hear a commotion coming from the mountain pass.

Rani: Night Pride! Ullu's spotted a strange group of animals outside the pass!
Nirm: Did she say what kind of animals they were?
Rani: She said there's a honey badger, a cheetah, an eagle, a hippo, an egret, a mandril, and alion. The lion has a scar on his face.
Surak: Sounds like a strange bunch indeed.
What are we waiting for!? Let's go!

We all go to the mountain pass, but when we get there, we discover that it's blocked by a landslide. I go up the landslide first, followed by the rest of the Night Pride. When I got to the top I saw a very strange group of animals led by a very cute golden furred lion with a growing red mane and a scar over his eye. There was also a strange paw mark on everyone's shoulders, except the mandril.

"Who are they?" I thought to myself. Little did I know, the lion's name was Kion and his followers are The Lion Guard. But... we'll save that for the next chapter


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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