The End (Hopefully)

Start from the beginning


Sam Carpenter didn't really like that she was agreeing with her dead father's creepy reflection, but she supposed it did make sense to sweep the theater herself. Knife in hand, she walked around the back of the theater. Sam checked down every aisle and even under most of the chairs. She was so focused, in fact, that when her phone rang, she nearly jumped out of her skin. After checking the Caller ID, Sam answered the call and asked, "Hi, Detective Bailey. What's wrong?"

"It's Randy, Sam," the Detective answered, "He's one of the killers?"

"What!" Sam shouted, "But he was attacked!"

"Was he, Sam?" Wayne Bailey asked, "Because, so far, he's only gotten a scratch. Other people, my daughter included, have gotten much worse. The Medical Examiner just said that the stab wounds in Candy Chase match the killing strike against the Ryan kid who attacked you last year. Who was the one to kill him, again?"

"Randy," Sam admitted, feeling as if the floor was falling away underneath her. She heard the slam of a door over the phone as Detective Bailey exited the police station, "And Kirby's the other killer, Sam. She was fired by the FBI two months ago for being mentally unstable. You need to find both of them and stop them, or at least stall them until I get there, okay?"

"Got it," Sam agreed, hanging up the phone and running down the aisle towards the stage. Randy wasn't here at the moment (at least, so far as she knew), but Kirby was, so Sam ran backstage and (literally) into Chad. They both fell to the floor, Sam nursing a blow to the head while Chad asked, "Jeez, Sam, what's the rush?"

"Randy," Sam said, "Bailey called in, he said the autopsy confirmed that some of the victims' wounds match the ones Randy gave Ryan."

"So you just naturally assume Randy's one of the killers?" Chad asked, incredulously, "that's insane! You should be questioning Bailey, not Randy!"

"Well, Bailey lost Quinn. His daughter," Sam defended, "Who has Randy lost, really?"

"Candy, Annika, Mindy, almost Gale," Chad listed off, "That's four, right there."

"Well..." Sam struggled for words. Even she couldn't refute that logic. Chad tilted his head to the side and squinted at her, "Did you seriously think Randy was-?"

He was cut off as a quick stab in the back made him shout in pain. Sam reacted quickly, taking a swing at the killer with her own knife, which Ghostface hopped backwards to avoid. In doing so, he tripped over his robe and tumbled onto the ground. Taking advantage of this lucky break, Sam grabbed Chad's arm and ran away from the killer.

"Wait," Chad winced, "Wait, if the killer's on the ground, shouldn't we finish him off?"

"Good point," Sam admitted. She turned around just in time to see Ghostface lunge forward and plunge his knife into Chad's neck. A large spurt of blood flew from Chad's neck, while he coughed a smaller one out of his mouth and fell to his knees. Sam slashed at the killer's face, but her arm was caught with the killer's free hand, as the modulated voice said, "It's not you I'm after. It's this one he cares about."

"The fuck!?" Sam asked just before Ghostface overpowered her, shoving the young woman backwards. Sam fell onto her back, losing the knife. By the time she had regained sight of the killer, they'd already blocked Chad's feeble attempt at a punch before countering with three quick jabs to the stomach.

"Chad!" Sam shouted frantically as the boy's body dropped to the ground. The killer wiped their knife off with their glove, saying only one sentence to Sam, "Run, if you want to live."

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