Welcome to Devildom, old friend

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"Everybody knows that I'm a good girl officer~"

" M'lord we are ready to welcome the last exchange student."
The butler exits the room to go get refreshments for the council members.
"Let's welcome them then"

After those words were spoken a bright light appeared from the summoning circle before being replaced by... a sheep?
Obviously caught off guard, the auburn haired male bellowed " Welcome to the Devildom, Yuki."
The little sheep looked absolutely mortified. First they were basically abducted and secondly this random large man knew their name.
Seeing this reaction the man immediately replied "...Oh, pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked are we? Well, that's understandable. You've only just arrived, after all." He paused " As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom."

"Is this a dream...?" The sheep asked no one in particular.

Having a jest, the male replied with a laugh" Hmm...that is a very human thing to say. Outstanding, I have a feeling you might be just the sort of person we're looking for." He crossed his arms "I suppose I should start by introducing myself. My name is Diavolo. I am the ruler of all demons, and all here know of me. And some day soon I will be crowned king of the Devildom.  This is the Royal Academy of Diavolo...though we just call it RAD. You're standing inside the assembly hall, the very heart of RAD. This is where we officers of the student council hold our meetings and conduct our business. I'm the president of said council."

Slowly processing the information the sheep asked "Why am I here?"

The black haired man then stands up "I will explain everything to you."
Diavolo interjects "Yuki this is Lucifer. He is a demon and the Avatar of Pride. He is also the vice president of the student council and my right-hand man...and not just in the title I assure you. Beyond that he's my most trusted friend."
" Flattery will get you no where Diavolo." Lucifer interrupts " Speaking on behalf of the entire student body at this great and storied school of ours...I offer you a most heartfelt welcome."

Still not happy Yuki demands "Answer my question."

"... Interesting this one is quite different from Solomon. Diavolo believes that we demons should start strengthening our relationship with both the human world and the Celestial Realm. As a first step towards this goal we've decided to institute an exchange program. We've sent two of our students to the human world and two to the Celestial Realm. And we're welcoming four students to our school : two from your world and two from the Celestial Realm. So I take that you've probably put two and two together at this point, right?" Asks Lucifer not wanting to explain any longer. "You've been chosen from among the people of the human world to participate in this program of ours. You are our newest exchange student. Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the tasks that you will receive from RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom."

"Write a paper?!"

"I am not telling you to write a doctoral thesis . You can take it easy. Don't glare at me like that. It's not like I'll abandon you all by yourself here in the Devildom. You need someone to look after you, and I think that someone should be my brother Mammon." Lucifer smirks. His face goes sour "He is the Avatar of Greed and... how should I put it...? Oh well, you'll understand soon enough."
He pulls a phone looking thing out of his pocket "Here, take this device. It's called a D.D.D. It's alot like the cell phones of your world."

"Pardon the interruption, but I believe there was meant to be another student arriving?"
The butler returns with a tray of tea.
Diavolo's eyes widen "Ah! Thank you for reminding me Barbatos I'd forgotten about him."

This clearly confused Lucifer but before he could say anything. The summoning circle glowed a slightly darker blue than before.
As the light dimmed, it revealed a pale mysterious man wearing a light teal kimono and a purple bandana holding most of his (h/c) hair minus the large chunks in the front, one of them being held together by a blue band. He also appeared to have red markings around his eyes and on his nose and holding a wooden bag.

Suddenly Diavolo spoke " (M/n)! How have you been? It's been so long" he began to ramble, that was until (M/n) placed down his bag and walked over to him with his arms open wide. Seeing the invitation Diavolo practically pounced at the shorter and didn't let go.

Lucifer made a noise of confusion leading him to let go of this '(M/n)' and explain.
"Lucifer, Yuki this is (M/n) however you two may know him as Kusuriuri, legend of him spread about many years ago in the human world, a medicine seller who went about exorcising demons who were causing trouble for innocent bystanders."

One of the other people in the room decided to make his presence known "kyaa! You two are just soo cute! Not as cute as me of course."

Going back to Yuki, Lucifer continued "This D.D.D will be yours to use for as long as you're here. Now, go ahead and try calling Mammon with it."

"While Lucifer is occupied with helping Yuki I'd like to introduce you to his brothers since I've already told you about him." Diavolo points to three men sitting at the one of the other tables in the room. "The one with orange hair is Beelzebub the Avatar of Gluttony." As Diavolo said that Beel's stomach grumbled.

"Lucifer I'm hungry.."

"You'll have to wait until the end of the meeting." Lucifer replies frustrated.

feeling slightly bad for the demon (M/n) digs through his pocket and throws the found sweets at Beel. Making said demon's face light up in glee.

"Continuing on, the demon next to him is Satan the Avatar of Wrath." Satan waved " And finally the champagne haired one is Asmodeus the Avatar of Lust." finishes Diavolo.

"Aren't you just a hottie!" squeals Asmo.

Before anyone could say anything else one of the large doors slammed open revealing a white haired individual with his hands on his knees clearly out of breath.

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