"Hey." The brunette smiled, leaning up to give her husband a quick kiss.

"Hey." He grinned, softly, as they seperated.

"There's no security video. Two of the cameras were fake. The other had no database. Arson is saying it doesn't look like a break-in." Chief explained.

"Same director of this clinic runs another over on Walbash." Julie added, crossing her arms.

"Let's take a look." Hank nodded. "Thanks, Chief."

*Inside the Building: A Few Minutes Later*

"This is the ignition point." Chief informed, shining his flashlight on a nearby filing cabinet.

"Patient prescription records." Julie frowned, scanning over the burned remains.

"Actually, Hallie, right before we went to lunch, she was standing there looking at something, and- and she said, 'that's weird.'" Matt recalled. "I just figured it was about billing or something."

Chief's radio went off before anyone could reply

"Main to Battalion 25, Truck 81, Squad 3, and Ambulance 61 are responding to a civilian in distress."

Kelly pecked Ana on the lips before rushing outside. The blond went to follow but was stopped by the elder firefighter stepping in front of him.

"No, no no. Your head's not in the game right now." He reasoned. "I'll cover for you."

"Can he roll with us?" The brunette inquired, biting her lip and gazing up at her father.

"Not a problem." Hank smiled back down at her in return.

"Battalion 25 en route." Chief radioed before leaving the building.

*Back at the Station*

"I've got the word out to all my CIs. Nothing yet." Antonio sighed, glancing over at Hank who was perched on a nearby desk and massaging his forehead.

"Yeah, and none of the neighbors saw or heard anything prior to the fire." Julie added.

"Subpoena will get us employee and patient records in a couple hours." Her partner finished while leaning back on the table across from their Sergeant.

"What about the drug dealer the clinic director turned us on to?" The older man wondered.

"Can't find him." Antonio crossed his arms.

"Can't find him?" Hank repeated in disbelief.

"Ran him through NCIC and the FBI to see if he got pinched anywhere else." The male Detective explained.

"What's this drug dealer's name?" Matt inquired and the three cops went dead silent.

"Yeah, it's probably best we don't tell you." The older man admitted and the Lieutenant glanced at his best friend in confusion.

"Uh, they just don't want you doing something you might regret later on." Ana reasoned, gently.

"I understand that you and Hallie broke up before her death." Hank suddenly recalled. "Is that right?"

"For a few months. Yeah." Matt nodded.

"She see anyone in that gap?" The Sergeant wondered.

"No one serious." The Lieutenant shook his head.

"Did she ever mention anyone that she felt uncomfortable around?" Hank questioned. "Was afraid of?"

"Yeah. You." Matt spat with a glare.

Her AU Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now