Insanity | Reader and co [platonic]

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This isn't a request. Just something I came up with in my head. I wanted to write this before I forgot the idea. I basically got on AO today, and my friend guided me to Arkusius Keep (I didn't discover the island yet. I yet have to explore the sea more). So, because of the events of today, I decided I should write this.

I also admit that I took a bit of inspiration from a fellow writer.

Also, I headcanon that when the player gets the insanity effect, their eyes start to glow purple.


(Y/n) - Your Name

(E/c) - Eye Color

(S/c) - Skin Color

(H/c) - Hair Color

(Y/b) - Your build

(Y/w) - Your weapon

(Y/m) - Your magic


" where my home once used to be." spoke Neviro, as the group reached an island. It was...unusual. Something dark was lurking around. (Y/n) could feel it. "Hey, guys. Do you...also feel uneasy?" asked the (y/b), narrowing their eyes slightly.

Iris looked at them in confusion "I mean, besides the darker sky, the dead trees and destroyed buildings, there's nothing to feel uneasy about. Plus, we have each other. Nothing is gonna happen."

"I guess you're right..." trailed off the (y/m) user.

Eventually, they all docked at the nearby, well, dock. The group began to search around. The ground felt like dead grass combined with mud in one, while the destroyed buildings of what seemed to once be towers and the dead trees gave off an eerie feeling. It they weren't supposed to be here.

(Y/n) decided to explore a little further from the group, their gaze moving about. Up until they stopped. Their gaze moved to the water. Funny enough, someone was there. Just... floating on top of the water.

The (s/c) person couldn't help but slightly gasp. Someone else was here...and they needed help! They soon began to sprint, ready to dive in the deep water. That was, until Morden suddenly appeared out of nowhere, pulling them back.

"(Y/n), what are you doing?!" hissed the black haired man at the (h/c) head, pulling himself and his companion away from the edge of the stoney platform. "Someone is there! I have to-" "What are you talking about? Nobody is there!"

Soon enough, (Y/n) looked back at the person, only to be surprised by the fact that they suddenly disappeared. What...?

"What's going on?" came from the red head, who would approach the two, alongside Neviro. "(Y/n) was about to literally dive in the water." now the two looked confused, their gaze moving towards the person. "What? Why?" asked Neviro, crossing his arms.

"I swear, I saw someone there."

"There was nobody there."

"(Y/n), are you feeling alright?"

All the negations and questions made the (y/b) forcefully pull away from Morden. "You know what? Nevermind. Let's just keep looking around." dimissed the (h/c) haired person, walking further from the group once more.

Morden, Iris and Neviro all looked at each other with concern. "What was that about?" Iris would shrug.

Little did they know, that wouldn't be the first weird thing to happen.

. . . . . . . . .

The (y/b) was on top of a tower, gazing around like a lost puppy. They tried to look for any sign of life, but nothing was there. Just them and their teammates.

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