"I still failed, though," his voice sounded strange at that.
"You didn't fail. Max, it's all good. But our security system doesn't seem to be working. But I'll take care of it, and I'll call an ambulance now to have them look at your eyes, Love.", he squeezed my hand and took a deep breath.

Half an hour later the police were gone again. Max had had his eyes flushed out and was now lying on the sofa with a cold pack on his face, his head in my lap.  I had already called security and was now waiting for them to call me back. Lost in thought, I stroked Max's hair.

This quiet moment was just beautiful.

No argument. No sex. Just him and me.

No matter how shitty the circumstances were. I finally had a moment just him and I had him all to myself.

He stroked his fingers down my leg, gently and quietly.

"Can I ask you something?" he whispered.

He almost sounded a little nervous.

"Anything," I replied, running my fingers over his scalp.

"I was lying awake last night thinking about what I...I mean I need help. Professional help to work through some stuff. Would you come with me to therapy? At least the first time?"

"Of course!"

"Really? I mean... it's like..."

"Max, getting help is never wrong. And it's okay that it scares you. I'm sure things will come up that you don't want to come up, but that's okay. I think it's great that you want to deal with it. I'll be there, of course. And I'll always be there to talk. I'm not going to leave you alone with this."

"Thank you." he whispered, digging his fingers into my thigh "I know I never would have done this if you hadn't put the gun to my head. But it's urgent."

"Whenever you're ready," I smiled.

He really meant it. He hadn't just said yesterday that he wanted to do something. He was really ready to do it, too. The fact that he wanted to seek help on his own showed me a lot. I could imagine how much overcoming that had cost him.

"I love you Flori." he whispered.

"I love you Maxie.", I replied.

He sat up so jerkily that I was almost startled. He put the cold pack aside and took my face in his unaccustomed cold hands. "I'm afraid of what you're doing to me," he murmured, "Because I'm afraid you'll leave. I'm afraid of losing this again. I'm afraid I'll forget this feeling and it'll all be over again. I'm fucking scared of you because you got me into something I never wanted to get into and I love it. I love knowing that you're here when I come. And the way you look at me. The fact that you still stand up to me and are honest. It feels so much more serious than anything before. Not just because we're married. But because...", I could see he was searching for words and couldn't find them.

He put my hand on his chest again. I could feel his heart beating "It's because you're doing this. Do you understand? You make my heart feel like this, like...I don't know a word for it. Just like that. That's what you do and I love that you do that. That you make me feel that way. But it scares me. I don't know if it makes sense."

"A lot of sense, actually," I nodded as he dropped his forehead against mine "Believe me, I don't want this to end. But I'm also afraid you'll break my heart again. I'm afraid you'll..."

"Never again. I promise you. Because if I break your heart, I'll break my own. Because it's yours." he swallowed "Ok, I heard myself how cheesy that sounded. But I mean it. You're so important to me.", he pulled me to him.
"Very cheesy.", I confirmed laughing, but then kissed him gently "But also very sweet."

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