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" Your a Monster " there voice rung in my head as I ran from the venue,I could here the branches snapping behind me as I heard there feet getting closer . I was trying to pick up speed when all of a sudden I'm launched towards a tree.

I could feel my bones breaking from the inside I tried so hard to try a not scream but it wasn't worth the wait as I saw the creatures come closer before heading straight for my che...

(Alarm goes off)

Trevor's pov :

I jump up in a cold sweat,breathing heavy as I sit up in my one bedroom Apartment,on my bed wiping the sweat from my forehead before groaning.....

"Ughhhhh...why are these happening now " I say as I get up and pick out my clothes from the closet

I put on a pair of dark blue jeans,black jordans,a black sweat shirt and my hat, I go to my bathroom to brush my teeth and fix my hair as best as I could not really careing,how i looked, i seen a note on the glass pointing to the little pill on the counter and so i grabbed it and took my meds...

I grabbed my phone and headphones aswell my keys before I closed the door but before I did I made sure I wore my necklace ..

As I got in my car I looked in the backseat to make sure I have my duffel bag and when I noticed I did I went to the front got in and headed straight for the road towards the WWE center ...

( Author but in .....)
Hey you should introduce yourself the readers might be wondering who u are trev....

Oh yeah sorry I'm Trevor Anglo I'm 24 years old I am a new Face in the WWE history continuing the legacy of my family but its been a pretty rough experience to be honest.... not to say to much but there that lil introduction on me......
Now back to the story...

[ time skip to performance center ]

As I get there I get out the car and grab my duffel bag before I start walking in .

As I'm walking in I notice alot of people staring straight at me and I hate I just suck it up and continue walking until I get to a door that says Vince McMahon I knock on the door ...

Till I here a soft "come in" and I walk in a sit down infront of him He reaches a hand out and I shake it

" Well you must be's nice to meet you I understand that you want to be apart of the WWE universe and participate in this astablishment..."

He says all I do is nod and continues with the questions all I know is that hopefully no one finds out what I truly am becuase that will ruin everything I ever work for ...

[ time skip before Trevor got there ]

Damian pov :

I'm here with the group talking in the back as we're sitting near the crates on how we're gonna celebrate rheas win on becoming wemans smackdown champion...

As we're all talking dominik points to the front of us and says "look"

As we look to where he's pointing we all notice a guy dressed in black coming threw with a duffel bag,and from the way he's carrying himself I can definitely see that he doesn't want to be here ..

I look behind me a feel rhea come and grab my arm growling in anger

I look at here worried and say "rhe you ok what's going on?" As I wrap my arm around her and I noticed Finns holding dominik with a furious look

" ok guys what's going on" rhe looks at me with a glare and what she says next makes me Mad

" He is the decented of Vincent De Anglo...and he will be the end of us so we need to keep and I on him " she says this she grabs dominik and Finn and drags us towards the locker room and tells us the plan

" When he comes out that door we need to go up to him and see if he has a scent ...becuase if he does he will end us where we stand and we need to find everything out about his past ....."

We all nod and continue to wait is it possible that Vincent had a kid that none of WWE knew it could be possible but I'm not coming to any conclusions I just hope rhea isn't right becuase she is right about one thing....


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