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After Kahar And Fakhri manifesto but Not finish because warden go up..before they finish,Kahar accidently hit Hakeem's ball.Kahar quickly help Hakeem And bring Him to they Room

Kahar:Are you hurt?I'm so so sorry but it's your fault to stupid

Hakeem:My fault?It accident And your fault too because yourself behavior cant handle it..

Kahar:Fine i Don't care /go to his bed And start making his mood face

Hakeem see it And sigh..And then he go to Kahar bed

Hakeem:I'm sorry the way i treat, fine it's my fault /get up

Kahar:/ grab his hand And say
Wow that first time you say sorry to me face to face.. before then you always use Zahrin or Fahmi say it /chuckle

Hakeem:Eww disgusting let off my hand you stupid..And i'm Not scare to apolgy but you always make the serious like "Kapla mode

Kahar:Wth okey² i Wont do it Again/laugh

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