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Kai and Wolf were sitting in Kai's room. Half an hour ago, they got some food brought: Noodles with tomato sauce, one of Wolf's favorite meals. Yesterday, they told Cinder, Scarlet, Cress and Iko about Thorne's plan and as expected, Iko jumped up and down and screamed: "yes, yes, yes! Another marriage! I'll go shopping, buy GORGEOUS dresses and hairspray and makeup and..." her list was endless, as endless as her happiness about Winter's coming happy life.
Everybody else agreed with Thorne's plan, he was very happy about that.
"Well Thorne", Cinder said with a wink, "now you have something new to add to your awesome list that will make you the PERFECT man for Cress." Cress blushed, Thorne laughed out loud. "Yes, I mean, I am OBVIOUSLY the perfect man!" "Thorne", Cinder said lightly smiling, "you are not perfect on your own. But, I think, Cress will help you with that!" Cress face had the color of a tomato.
"So, in my opinion, we can go and buy a puppy now! We can sent Jacin photos of him, he has his port with him, right?" Everyone agreed with Wolf's idea, so they left the palace.
In the end they settled on a honey brown puppy with almond brown eyes and a fluffy coat. Jacin gave no explanation as to why he prefers this puppy over the others. He barely managed to look at his port because Winter wanted to know what he was doing. The two looked at the new white tiger, Winter looked at the tiger and Jacin tried to keep looking at his port to examine the photos.

After the friends got back to the palace, they smuggled the puppy into Jacin's room. He should take care of him for a few days until he finds the right time and sends him to Winter's room. This went smoothly for about 45 minutes, but then... "Wolf?" Jacin carefully squeezed through the door to Scarlet and Wolf's room. "What's that, Jacin?" Wolf didn't look at him and concentrated on the playing cards in his hand. "Scarlet is teaching me how to play UNO. Do you need anything?" Jacin looks at Wolf apologetically. "It's so..." he began hesitantly, "the puppy, he... he has..." Scarlet mocks the blushing Jacin. "What's wrong with him?" Wolf asked. "He peed on my couch," Jacin sums it up. Scarlet and Wolf look at each other in amusement and then burst out laughing. "Well, then just do it away!" "Simply that way?" "Yes, of course! I've lived on a farm long enough to know that cleaning it up isn't life-threatening." After Jacin's doubtful look, Scarlrt adds, "I can help you too, if you want." Jacin nodded and while the two were busy, Wolf tells the story to the others. Everyone laughed and Cinder realized that was just typical Jacin.

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