And she means that more than anything in the entire world. "Here, do you want some help? Maybe we can talk about what we want to do tonight?" Gabby agreed with Matt, as that most definitely was what she wanted to do. Letting go of his beautiful wife, Matt smiled at her while she walked around the bed so that she can do the other side of the bed; afterwards, he went to grab some of the sheets. "So, do you want to talk about our plans for tonight?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she wants to talk about their plans for tonight. "I think that can be summarized in three words." Grabbing the top of the sheets, Matt looked at Gabby as he started to put it on the mattress. He then tucked it under, before watching as Gabby did the same with the other side of the mattress cover. "Oh, can it now?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling as she walked down the side of the bed; after which, she grabbed the bottom of the bed sheet to do the same thing as she just did at the top of the bed. "No sex, please."

Matt just laughed as he heard Gabby say that, unable to deny that it was funny. God, she's really funny; and he's really happy that they're in the midst of doing this right now. "God, that's so funny." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that. "Actually, it's not that funny; not when I'm being serious." Matt agreed with Gabby as she told him that, well aware of the fact that she doesn't want to have sex tonight. "Baby, I know that; especially since I don't want to have sex tonight." Gabby just looked at Matt when he said that, agreeing with him as they finished putting on the bed sheet; afterwards, Matt proceeded to grab the other sheet while going to throw part of it to Gabby. "So, is there a reason that you don't want to have sex tonight?" Matt sighed when Gabby asked him why he didn't want to have sex, before bending down so that he can put the bed sheet under the mattress. "It's because I don't want what happened to Jay and Alex, to happen to us...again." Standing up, Gabby took a breath as she looked at the man she loves.

After which, she decided to make her way over to the end of the bed. "Hey, come here." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, before proceeding to make his way over to the end of the bed so that he can stand with her; at the same time, Matt smiled as he moved his hands to her sides. Picking her up, Matt smiled as he set her down on the footboard; after which, he stepped close to her and smiled at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. Moving his hands to her neck, Matt smiled as he leaned in and kissed her softly. "Hey, take a breath for me please." Gabby agreed with Matt when he said that, proceeding to take some breaths; after which, Matt moved his hand to her stomach to make sure that she's calm. After all, that's what Gabby needs to be right now. She needs to be calm, and she needs to relax for the sake of their daughter; after which, Gabby smiled as she held Matt close. Putting her hand on his neck, Gabby smiled as she leaned up land kissed him softly; and that was exactly what she needed tonight.

Moving his hands to Gabby's arms, Matt ran his hand down them and just smiled as he looked at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "Hey, I promise that you have nothing to worry about; okay baby? We're going to take it easy, and we're going to relax. We're going to hold each other close, and we're going to have a nice night with each other. That's all we're going to do tonight." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, smiling due to the fact that it was exactly what she wanted to her from her husband; after which, she put her hands on his muscular chest. Putting his hands on her arms, Matt smiled as he leaned in and kissed her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, Matt smirked due to the fact that this really is everything that he wants to do right now. He wants to hold the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world close to him, and that's exactly what he's in the midst of doing right now, holding the woman close to him, and taking it easy.

Moving his hand to Gabby's neck, Matt smiled as he stroked her cheek while continuing to make her feel extremely loved. "I love you Gabby." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that he loves her. "I love you too Matt, and you really are doing perfectly when it comes to how you're taking care of me." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby tell him that, more than happy over the fact that they're going to just relax with her; after which, he wrapped his arms around her and smiled. "So, we're not going to have sex tonight. But what does that mean for what you want me to wear today?" Gabby smiled as she heard Matt ask her that. "I trust you Matt, and I don't want to change a thing. Just because we're home, that doesn't mean that I don't still want to give you something special; something I promised at the hotel." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, smiling as he leaned in so that he can kiss her softly. After which, he took things nice and slow with the woman of his dreams, who just so happens to also be his beautiful wife.

The Caseys, 2023: Family Life, Part 1जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें