Chapter Four

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It didn't take Elizabeth long to convince the guard watching Maria's cell to give them a minute of privacy. With a name drop and a mention of the "explicit instructions" Robin gave her to question the Merryweather, it was easy.

Getting the girl to talk was not as easy.

"I will not converse with De Noir scum." She spat when Elizabeth first approached.

"I can make it worth your while, girl."

"Really? How?" Her tone was mocking, but Elizabeth ignored it.

"You want to escape? I can help you."

"Why would you help me?" Her white fingers curled around the bars of her cell.

"Because you are the only one who can give me the information I need."

She contemplated it for a moment before nodding. "All right. I tell you what you want and you promise to get me out of here?"

Elizabeth nodded. "Tell me who lives in Merryweather Manor."

"What?" Maria scoffed. "Just my uncle, Sir Benjamin. But he's a quiet man and isn't fond of company."

Elizabeth said nothing, playing with the information in her mind. Just Sir Benjamin - she'd seen him several times on his large horse, trotting past the forest. Robin had a lot to say about him and his engagement to Loveday.

"Will that be all?"

"No." She hit the bars and Maria jumped back. "Have... Have you seen anything odd in that manor? I don't know... something that indicates a child's presence, maybe?"

Maria began to shake her head, but stopped, her expression becoming far away as she seemed to remember something. "Actually, yes. I wasn't supposed to be in his study, but I stumbled into it. There's this huge mirror hanging right behind his desk and... I may sound mad, but strange things happen in that manor - the mirrors show... stories, or, memories. I'm not quite sure how to explain it."

"Go on." Elizabeth urged.

"Well, I looked into the mirror and saw Benjamin holding a baby. It must have been years ago, he looked so young."

Elizabeth nodded and stepped away from the bars. This was all the information she needed, just one last thing to confirm it all. "Do you remember anything about the baby?"

"No. Just that it had a big head."

Elizabeth frowned and reached for the locket around her neck. "Does this look familiar in any way?"

"Oh, yes! Benjamin was holding it around his knuckle, showing it to the baby, it looked like."

She took a deep breath. That was it - all the confirmation she needed. "Thank you, Maria."

There was now no doubt in her mind that Sir Benjamin Merryweather was her father. Who her mother was, she had no clue, but she planned to ask Benjamin when she met him. And that would be soon.

For too long had she been without love. Too long had she been lonely, craving the warmth of a mother or sibling. This changed everything.

What would Robin say?

Her thoughts were cut off Maria cleared her throat. "Now get me out of here. We had a deal."

Elizabeth smirked. "Sorry, Maria, but as you said, I'm De Noir scum and we tend to go back on our word. Something I'm sure you'll get used to because I have a feeling you'll be spending a long, long time here." She tapped on the bars, blew Maria a kiss and sauntered out of the room.

A Rose by Another Name | Robin De NoirWhere stories live. Discover now