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He's almost drowned in water and in air, it's the same either way if your lungs can't take in the oxygen

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He's almost drowned in water and in air, it's the same either way if your lungs can't take in the oxygen. People have a weird and sick way of romanticizing forms of death.

It's all ugly.

It all hurts.

Very few ways to go aren't. A massive stroke is among the kindest, Harley's Grandmother was lucky enough to go that way. Drowning is a bitch of a way to go.

Panic, fear, and more panic.

When she can no longer hold her breath the cold water rushes in, and all illusions of surviving are gone. Soon the oxygen deprivation takes away her thoughts and just as she crosses the line between worlds, Peeta was there. Dragging her body onto the shore as a canon sounded, only to be shoved out of the way by the emotionally invested boy. He cried out in frustration as he failed to find a pulse, setting his hands between her breasts to begin pumping, counting his motions.

"Harley" Peeta tried to get his attention as Katniss helped him up but it was all in vain.

"Finnick" Katniss whispered. "Help him."

"I can't" Finnick whispered back, shaking his head as he simply dropped to his knees beside the tremoring boy and began soothingly rubbing his back. This was just something he had to figure out for himself, something he needed to come to terms with on his own.

Understanding the situation a little better now, Peeta took a different approach. The crunching of her weakened breast bone collapsing as Harley pushed harder made them all wince, shuddering at the display of complete hopelessness before them. He didn't even recognize that he had just broken her bones, he just wanted her to breathe. He wanted her eyes to open and her nurturing voice to tell him everything would be okay.

Harley paused his actions, staring expectantly at Peeta as he held her wrist in his lap, placing two fingers along her veins in search of a pulse.

"She's gone" he whispered, setting her hand down by her side.

"I know" his voice, so hoarse and weak, sent chills down Peeta's spine. "I know she is."

Finnick's arms engulfed him as his body sunk, nearly falling into his chest as the weight of his mentor's death hit him. 

Harley was destroyed.

Finnick guided him off the cornucopia, not leaving his side once as he whispered words of affirmation into his ear. They stood together and watched the hovercraft collect her body, a tear rolling down the boy's cheek as she disappeared from sight.

"Why don't we get you set up for bed, yeah?"

Once again, Finnick's true talent as a caretaker arose. He found the boy a secluded spot on the beach where he could get comfortable, Finnick's back against a tree whilst a large tropical leaf blocked the sun's rays, keeping the troubled boy cool as he was lulled to sleep by Finnick's warm touch.

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