Chapter 2

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Harry was happy. He got new glasses this morning and he was fascinated by everything he saw. All his homework he got almost full marks and he couldn't be more thankful for Snape than he currently was. Sadly the mood was crushed when he found out about Hermione being Petrified.

That night Snape found him crying in the Tower. Not knowing what to do the potions master sat next to him and rubbed his back, not expecting Harry to jumped into him and sob. Normally the man would yell and push the child off, but he couldn't. The boy was scared, so he held the boy in his arms until the sobs became gasps and Harry let go. though he still held tightly to the mans robes. Snape didn't say anything, only let him cry. Finally calming down Harry looked at the man "'m sorry." he said "It's ok." "I'm scared." "I know P-Harry. I know." he tried soothing the boy.

"She's the only one that knows besides the twins. I don't want her to die. Without her i wont have anyone to help me." that caught the teachers attention "Only one that knows what Harry?" Harrys eyes widened and he shook his head "No. You're gonna leave me. You'll think I'm a freak." Snape's eyes widened "I would never think that. You are not a freak. I would never leave you little one." before he could think the words came out. It was all true though. he's become quite fond of the little brat. He sees more Lily on the child than Potter.

Harry looked Snape in the eye "I-I live with my mommies sister. Her husband hurts me all the time. Dudley, my cousin, made a game called Harry hunting. they un after me and then beta me up. When they're done then they just leave me there. Uncle Vernon beats me all the time. Aunt Petunia made a list of every chore n the house. if i didn't finish it all the Uncle would beat me, so would Dudley and Aunt w-would h-hit me with a f-frying pan. They call me freak and b-boy. They hate magic. I'm not allowed to say the word or they beat me. If i do accidental magic then Uncle would use his belt. I-it hurts. When i go back for summer then they lock my school stuff away."

Snape was livid. He already hated that bloody muggle, but this made him murderous. He knew Petunia hated magic but he didn't think that she would hurt her own family. Her whale of a husband was going to pay dearly for all he did. He would murder them another time, right now his man focus was Harry.

"Harry, why didn't you tell the Headmaster?" he asked softly. Harry stiffened "I-I did." "What?" "I did tell him. Before summer last year i asked and told him everything. he said it was part of the training and that it would help me get stronger, he said i was still too weak to be of use to the wizarding world." Harry was crying into Snape's robes again and Snape was trying his utmost best to clam down. He never trusted Dumbledore. He was friends with Tom Riddle, before he went psycho. Him and a few other are trying to et Tom back with his sanity but can't find anything.

He pulled Harry onto his lap "It's ok little one. I promise you, I'll do my best to make sure you never go back." "R-Really?" "Really." he promised. Harr melted into the embrace and fell asleep. Not knowing what to do Snape picked him up and walked out of the tower.

He saw two red heads walking around "Weasley twins." he called quietly. Their heads napped to him and to the person he was holding. recognizing the boy they ran to him "What.." "Happened?" they asked 

Snape sighed "Nothing. He told of his home life and fell cried himself to sleep." the boys looked to each other "He told you?" asked Fred and Snape nodded "Yes he did. Now listen carefully. I know he's staying in your dorm. Tomorrow is Saturday, let him sleep in. merlin knows he needs it. Make sure one of you are watching him at all times. DO i make myself clear?" the boys seemed surprised but nodded "You got it Professor." they said. "Good." He tried handing a sleeping Harry to Fred but Harry stayed clutching his robes "Harry i need you to let go." whispered Snape. "No." whined Harry sleepily "You can come to my courters tomorrow after noon, for now you need to go back to the dorm." "But i want Daddy." The twins eyes widened and Snape froze. He cleared his throat slightly "You can come to me tomorrow, i promise, ok snakelet?" it was his last hope and Harry let go "OK." Snape breathed a sigh of relief before handing the small boy to Fred who held him close. Snape glared at the twins with a look that said 'speak of this and you're dead' they grinned and walked away.

The next day Harry woke up at 10am. He was going to do his homework in the library with Neville. While walking they were approached by Ron, who sneered "You! Snake! Dumbledore wants you in his office right away. Hopefully he expels you. No need for more corrupt murderers in our school." Three Slytherins walked past and one knocked Ron's shoulder making him stagger. Draco smirked "Sorry, didn't see you there little lion." Pansy giggled and Ron glared "You bloody git!" he was about to punch Draco when someone grabbed his wrist, Blaise Zabini has been quiet so far. He glared at Ron "Don't even try it you filthy hippogriff." Ron became red "Don't touch me you filthy death eating scum!" 

Harry flinched at the yelling and Pansy took his hand, whispering in his ear "Ignore him." Harry smiled slightly. "I'll take scarhead to Dumbledore, you two meet me in the library. Longbottom you're going there right?" asked Draco. Neville nodded and Draco handed Neville Harrys bag before leading Harry to the headmasters office.

From a dark corner of the hallway a figure stood in relief. He didn't want to raise suspicion so Snape decided to get his godson to watch over Harry for a while. Draco didn't really mind and neither did his friends.

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