Chapter 106: Shan Yaxin 26

Start from the beginning

For Zuo Jia, a book should be enough as a gift.

But she really didn't know what to buy for Shan Yaxin.

After careful consideration, she realized that Shan Yaxin was now richer than her, with designer clothes and a low-key luxury car, and seemed to have everything she needed.

During the next class, Dai Shiyuan was absent-minded and kept thinking about what gift to give Shan Yaxin.

But no matter how she thought about it, she couldn't come up with any ideas.

When the last class ended, Dai Shiyuan rubbed her aching brain and sat waiting for others to leave.

Zuo Jia waited with her and noticed someone sitting behind them. She smiled and asked, "Yan Cheng, are you waiting for someone here?"

"Yeah," Yan Cheng smiled in response and glanced at Dai Shiyuan.

Zuo Jia couldn't help but look puzzled and turned to look at Dai Shiyuan's unhappy expression. She suppressed the question she wanted to ask.

When most people had left, Dai Shiyuan stood up and slowly walked out.

This time, she didn't ask Zuo Jia to help her.

Zuo Jia watched carefully on the side, occasionally turning back to look at the person following them.

When they reached the school gate and saw Yan Cheng stop with them, Zuo Jia couldn't help but say, "Yan Cheng, thank you. Someone will come to pick Shiyuan up later, so you don't have to stay here."

"I have a few words I want to say to Dai classmate alone," Yan Cheng smiled shyly, his eyes pleading.

Zuo Jia was momentarily embarrassed and sought Dai Shiyuan's opinion with her eyes.

"Ignore him," Dai Shiyuan whispered, her expression cold.

After waiting for a while, Shan Yaxin still hadn't arrived, probably stuck in traffic.

Dai Shiyuan took out her phone and sent a message, "My foot is much better, I can walk back by myself, Sister Yaxin, you don't have to come to pick me up."

"I'll be there soon, Xiaoyuan, just wait a little longer." Shan Yaxin replied immediately.

Dai Shiyuan suddenly worried that Shan Yaxin might get distracted while driving and replied with a "OK" before patiently waiting.

She looked ahead, her eyes watching the cars coming and going on the road, completely uninterested in looking back.

Yan Cheng felt ignored and pretended to casually walk over with his hands in his pockets. He bent down slightly in front of Dai Shiyuan and said, "Dai classmate, our club has an activity for Christmas and I would like to invite you to come."

"I'm busy." Dai Shiyuan coldly refused, her eyes still looking ahead.

Yan Cheng's face turned red and he appeared a little uneasy. He lowered his voice and pleaded, "I promised them that I would invite you. If you don't come, they will make fun of me. Can you help me out, Dai classmate?"

Hearing this, Dai Shiyuan raised her eyebrows in surprise, turned to Yan Cheng and sternly said, "We don't seem to be that close. How could you say something like that to them?"

"I..." Yan Cheng lowered his head in distress, his eyes turning red. He gathered his courage and shouted, "I promised to bring the person I like!"

As soon as he said this, many people around them looked over.

Dai Shiyuan suddenly felt uncomfortable with so many curious eyes on her. Those laughing or surprised expressions made her angry.

Being brought into the spotlight for no reason, Dai Shiyuan felt a surge of anger and her expression turned colder. "Sorry, I don't have anyone I like. Please leave as soon as possible."

Initially, she didn't want to be too harsh with her words because they were classmates, but Yan Cheng's behavior was becoming more and more unacceptable, and there was a hint of coercion in what he was saying.

If she didn't make herself clear, people would misunderstand her.

"Dai classmate, since you're single, why won't you give me a chance?" Yan Cheng took a step closer, his eyes sincere and inexperienced.

Dai Shiyuan had to step to the side and firmly shook her head to reject him.

"Since you don't have anyone you like, why won't you give me a chance?" Yan Cheng's face showed a look of hurt and his eyes turned red, looking pitiful.

There were already many onlookers around them, whispering together in the hopes that the guy would succeed in confessing his feelings.

As Dai Shiyuan listened to the gossiping crowd, her annoyance grew. She spoke loudly, "I don't know you, so don't pretend to be in love with me. There are plenty of girls who like you, why don't you go find them?"

"Are you jealous? I'll keep my distance from other girls in the future," Yan Cheng said happily, making a sincere promise.

Dai Shiyuan was speechless, and she continued to step back, deciding not to say anything.

She really couldn't understand the thoughts of these young boys. They were completely on a different wavelength, and there was no way to communicate with them.

Yan Cheng still wanted to approach her, but suddenly a white car stopped in front of them. A woman dressed in a mature and exquisite style stepped out of the car.

The eyes of the passersby were immediately drawn to her, and they whispered to each other, constantly saying things like "beautiful" and "elegant."

As Dai Shiyuan listened to the various compliments around her, she couldn't help but smile. She hobbled over and called out "Sister Yaxin" in a happy, soft voice, then sat in the front passenger seat under the curious and envious eyes of the crowd.

Shan Yaxin glanced at the crowd and smiled when her gaze fell on Yan Cheng.

She was already very beautiful, and her temperament and dress were also very good. This smile instantly amazed many people.

Yan Cheng felt a bit familiar and grinned back with a smirk in his eyes, with a hint of impudence.

Author's note: Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated my nutrient solution between 2021-06-04 20:25:142021-06-04 21:59:41.

Translator's note: Yan Cheng?!, Annoying!! 😡


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