Chapter Two

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(Third Person POV)

True to his word, Y/N asked Maki if she wanted to spar more often to which she said yes, happy to have someone who fights with weapons to train with. Over the the next month Y/N and Maki could be seen sparing with a variety of weapons around least five times a week. There very presence pushed each other to one up each other in an effort to improve. They never kept score but Panda and Toge believed it was neck and neck.

Y/N was using a longsword while Maki wielded a three section staff. Maki sung her weapon in a wide arc that Y/N dodge under and went to swing low only for his opponent to block and roll to his side putting him on the defensive with a flurry of attacks.

Panda watched the two go at it again and began thinking while Maki managed to disarm Y/N who in turn drop kicked her, knocked her down to the ground. He came in to finish it as Maki swung high in her initial strike but halfway through it went low rewarding the L/N heir with a one way trip to the ground.

Y/N tired to get up but the green haired fighter pressed her foot on his chest and kept him in place with a triumphant smirk.

Maki: "Looks like I win."

Y/N: "So it seems, that last move caught me by surprise."

She took his hand and helped him up.

Maki: "Thanks, you almost got me with that drop kick. Any harder and I wouldn't of had enough air in my lungs to counter attack."

Panda: "Pssst, Y/N."

The student looked over at his black and white furred friend and nodded to Maki before leaning down to touch his blood sword which liquefied back into his body. He made his way over to Panda and tilted his head.

Y/N: "What?"

Panda: "Do you like big boobs or small ones?"

Y/N: "I don't know how that question has any relevance to any conversation we've ever had."

Panda: "Just answer the question."

Y/N: "Big ones then but nothing too obnoxious."

Panda smiled and look to Maki with a thumbs up.

Panda: "Maki you have a chance!"

Maki had no idea what the Panda was talking about while Y/N stared at the cursed corpse sideways looking less then amused. This was enough for Panda for now but he felt all the more determined to make his ship sail, even if it would take a while since their both tough nuts to crack on a emotional level.

The next day, a four of the first years walked to class together making small talk.

Panda: "Did you hear about the transfer student coming today? They say he "stuffed" four of his classmates into a locker."

Maki: "He killed them?"

Toge: "Tuna Mayo?"

Panda: "No, just gravely injured them."

They three continued to talk about their new classmate while Y/N was reading a book on the golden age of sorcery. He didn't really pay attention to what the others where saying until Panda spoke to him directly making the sorcerer look up.

Panda: "What do you think Y/N?"

Y/N: "I'll have an option once I meet him."

Toge: "Okaka."

Y/N: "No, I'm just saying it's unfair to judge someone just because of some rumors. For we know stuffing his classmates in a locker could of been an act of self-defense."

Bound in Blood (Maki Zenin x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now