the morning after

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i woke up the next morning to a banging on my door. i was so confused. i picked up my phone which said 11:48am. i had been asleep for ages.

i dragged myself out of bed and made my way to the door while pulling my dressing gown on. i opened it and to my surprise i seen my dad. "hi lena" he said while walking past me and into the room.

"oh hey papa i didn't expect you to come this morning" i said while sitting on the sofa next to him.

"you need to clean this room len" he said turning up his nose. "it's fine papa i'm happy here" he really had the audacity to come in here after everything that has happened and criticise my room.

"i came to apologise and to say good luck" he said smiling at me. "mama put you up to this didnt she?" he nodded shyly. "i knew it" i replied

"lena sweetheart i really want things to be good between us your mein kleines Mädchen (my little girl)" he took my hand in his.

"we're fine papa. honestly" i hugged him. i knew how much i meant to him and he meant just as much to me. i love my dad. he's my person.

we stayed and talked about the contract for awhile before he had to leave to work some things out.

i went into my room to grab my phone. i had tons of notifications. i silenced everything except my messages, calls and whatsapp's. just so my instagram wouldnt bother me.

i read my messages first just glancing at them on my home screen.

27 unread messages
mama : hey lena how are you doing?
benedict : lena i cant wait for testing
christian : hey lena make sure your at the track for 9am on thursday
lewis : how are you feeling this morning wolff you were really drunk last night
papa : we have to talk lena
charles : good morning lovely
max : wolff check insta quick
lando : lena, go and see what i tagged you in asap

wait what. how would ollie know anything about charles. i figured i needed to check insta since everyone was telling me to.

i opened instagram and looked at what lando had tagged me in.



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BREAKING : FERRARIS CHARLES LECLERC IS RUMOURED TO BE SEEING RED BULL'S NEWLY SIGNED LENA WOLFF. - the pair were spotted outside a pub in bahrain with the other drivers as lena was wearing charles jacket while putting her number into his phone.

@user1 - just another pathetic gold digger

@user4 - why would he want to date her

@user788 - they would make a fab couple

+57,900 more comments

omg. these fans are insane. we were walking together and now we're seeing each other. i just ignored the post trying not to think too much of it.

i had a killer headache. i was really hungover. so i went and got some pain killers. after i took them i decided i needed to give charles his fleece back.

i got changed into some chequered red and black pyjama bottoms and a white cropped top. i put his fleece on and put some trainers on. i just left my hair down.

i went into the lift and clicked on the second floor. it started going down until i reached his floor. i walked around for awhile before i found his door.

i knocked on his door and waited for him to answer. after a couple of seconds he came to the door. he was wearing nothing out some grey joggers. he didn't have a shirt on and you could see his gorgeously sculpted abs.

"you alright mi tesoro?" he asked while i seen a smirk growing on his face. "no need to stare" he winks at me. "stop getting so cocky" i take his fleece off and throw it at him.

"come in" he steps back from the door as i walk in. his room is so clean. like no one was staying there at all. the complete opposite from mine.

he walked over to the sofa and motioned for me to sit down. "i didn't expect you to come" he said while taking a drink from a cup on the table.

"i wasn't just going to steal your fleece" i giggle a bit at the circumstance. how could he think i wasn't going to bring it back.

"i'm guessing you've seen the articles?" he asks. he looked at me with sympathetic eyes. "yeah"

we both just start laughing non-stop. for no reason. it was hilarious. how could everyone think we were seeing each other. we only met a few days ago.

we spoke for a little while before i decided i wanted to go and lay in my bed to try and get rid of my hangover.

however before i was going to do that i walked over to the mcdonald's across the street and ordered a meal. i walked back to the hotel and lay i. my bed while eating mcdonald's and scrolling through my instagram.

i decided to put a post up, with some pics from last night.

i decided to put a post up, with some pics from last night

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                                       ⚪️⚫️@lenawolff - had a great night last night getting to know the competition and having a laugh

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@lenawolff - had a great night last night getting to know the competition and having a laugh. let's just not talk about how we're feeling this morning

@landonorris - ahh i had a blast lena

@user2 - aww their all friends already

@oliverbearman - you sure there's nothing else to add lena 😉
    >@lenawolff - shut up ollie

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