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You and Wally began walking over to howdys shop?(I forgot what it's called..☻)
"So this is one of the neighbors." He said.
"I can see..." You said squinting your eyes.
He opened up the door for you.
"Lady's first!" He said winking.
You smiled then went back to your resting face.
You both walked in then went to the cash register.
"Before we go I need to get apples." He whispered.
"Would you be a dear and go get them for me~?" He whispered well tilting your chin up.
"Sure." You said then got out of his way and started to walk down isles. (Did I spell that Right?)
You finally found the apples and went back to the cash register.
There was a guy who look liked a caterpillar.
Wait.. why haven't I thought about what they look like.
Poppy was a chicken or rooster, frank looked like that grouchy guy from the amazing world of gumball, and now the caterpillar?
You know what I'm starting to think this is a dream.
"Hello new neighbor! Names Howdy! How's life in the hood..?" He said.
"Good! How bout you?" You said.
"Great! Finally good to have some new customers! Other then wally trying to steal apples. Now someone can stop him. And when I mean by someone I mean you." He said.
"Haha! Y-yeah.." You said awkwardly.
In the corner of your eye you could see wally giving this guy the death stare.
"Me and Y/n here should get going howdy. Have a great day!" He said sternly.
Alright bye Y/n! Bye wally! He said smiling.
Wally grabbed your hand then left the store faster then when your dad left you. (THIS IS A JOKE I SWEAR!! SORRY IF THIS IS OFFENSIVE)
"Wally could you please let go my hand kinda hurts dude.." you said looking at him.
S-sorry dear.. I'm just in a... rush! Yeah Rush! He said. You already new that was a lie but whatever.
He bended down to your height and kissed your forehead then grabbed your hand lightly this time and began walking to the houses again.
"I think we'll do two more because it's getting dark out." He said.
Okay.. you said kinda lost in thought.
We ended up by this big blue house with bones surrounding the house with detail.
Wally gently did a little pattern of a knock and after a few seconds a big ass blue fucking dog smashed the door opened:0
"WALLY!! Haven't seen you ina long time! Ooo who's this new lady?" Wally was about to say something but got completely cut off my this dude.
"Oh yeah I remember now this is the new neighbor! Nice to meet you..." him waiting to say your name.
"I'm Y/n." You said almost whispering.
He was a little too loud.
"Beautiful nam! But it's almost time for dinner! An do wanna try some new hot dog toppings! So bye bye! Have a goodnight." He said then shut the door in your guys face.
You looked over to him and he had his finger up like he was earlier about to say I was the new neighbor. He had his mouth opened it disbelief.
You grabbed his hand then started walking towards his house.
You guys got there.
You looked at his house.
You looked at the two windows.
The eyes looked at you.
"WHAT THE FUCK!!"You yelled.
Wally practically slapped his hand against your mouth.
"Y/n!! Hone does not like this foul language! Do anything like that again and I will have to punish you! He said.
You smirked.
"Punish?" You questioned.
"Y-yeah! He said stuttering.
You rolled your eyes then forgot that the house was real.
You waved to the house because this was like a fucking dream anyways.
You opened the door and then turned on the light that was right by the door.
The light turned on, it wasn't much it looked like your house just with different furniture and a different set up.
"Cute house." You said then looked over to wally to listen to his reply.
He hummed in response then grabbed your hand again and took you to his room.
He opened the door and the light were off.
He picked you up bridal style then placed you on his bed he got into bed with you and soon enough you guys were cuddling.
"Are you hungry?" He questioned well snuggling his face into your shoulder.
"No" you said.
"Well okay...... but I haven't  seen you eat in a long time.." He said
"You better eat tomorrow!" He said not knowing your asleep.
"Goodnight dear." He said.

Little authors note.
I won't be writing this week end bc ist my only break and I'm really tired, and I feel like absolute shit.
But on Monday after hell (school)
I will make at least 2 chapters. But with that thank you for all the support and yeah I forget the other word I was.. gonna..  say...

☆Wally Darling X Female Reader☆Where stories live. Discover now