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„I can't just go to her and ask her 'will you marry me?'. I don't like that, it's just not romantic enough. Winter won't be happy and then she doesn't..."
"Wow, Jacin, I did never see you so emotional and worried! Just go and ask her. I am sure she will say yes! I mean, me as a criminal mastermind, I know how to propose to somebody!"
Kai snorted. "You didn't even proposed to Cress! You two are together since four and a half years! In this time, Wolf married Scarlet and I married Cinder." He smiled lightly.
Thorne rolled his eyes. "Sorry your imperatorial Kainess. But, seriously Jacin, what if you go to a pet store and buy a cute, little puppy? Then you give him the name 'crazy' and next, you tie a thin band with an engagement ring around his neck. You walk to winter's room, open the door and let 'crazy'walk in. She would be so happy, and when she notices the ring, you will step in the room and say: "Winter. I think there wasn't a day I didn't love you. Will you be my princess for the rest of your life?"
After that, Kai looked to Jacin. He saw a very small tear, but Jacin just blinked it away. And then, he began to smile. A real smile, that might be not very important, but it was Jacin. Jacin, his (on the first look) not emotional friend. But Kai said nothing and it was Wolf. "Thorne", he said, lightly smiling," I think, that's a great plan. Should we tell Thorne's idea to Scarlet, Cinder, Iko and Cress? I'm sure they won't tell something to Winter."
Jacin started talking, but Thorne interrupted him. "Wolf, you should know, that's not my first great plan." He smiled very smug.
"Yes, yes, your great plan, but it's MY proposal! We won't forget that. Let's hurry up, the girls will come back soon. Wolf, I think we can tell them Thorne's GREAT plan.
"Wait, Jacin!" Thorne grabbed his arm and held him back. "The plan doesn't work if you don't put the puppy in rice before you tie the band around his neck!"
Jacin didn't go into it any further while Kai and Wolf looked amused at each other.
"Yes, of course. How could I forg-." The door was opened before Jacin could finish his sarcastic sentence and Iko, Cinder, Cress, Scarlet and Winter stepped in. It was silent, very silent. Cinder gave Kai a strange look, he smiled. Cinder raised her eyebrows and wanted to start speaking, but Thorne interrupted her.
"Cinder, hi! How are you?" Instead of answering his question, Cinder gave him an even stranger look. "Jacin, don't you want to show Winter... the new pet in the zoo? The white tiger. You know?"
Jacin looked at Cinder questioningly, but after a while, he began to understand what Cinder wanted to achieve.
"Oh, yes, of course, the new ... white... tiger..."
Winter didn't notice his unsettled face, grabbed his hand and dragged him behind her. She loves the zoo in the palace since Selene's 'lost'. She used to be there, just sitting, writing poems or think about Jacin and her. Or she dreams about the day, she will get married to Jacin, but the fact that he hasn't proposed to her yet usually brings her back to reality quickly. He loved her and she loved him. The big day was bound to come soon when she could finally say yes and show the (probably screaming) Iko her engagement ring.

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