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A scream. Not his own. It was Kipley's. Even after four years, Selonna could not shake the memory of the moment when three Empire soldiers came to her apartment, broke in, grabbed her sister and dragged her off into the night.

In an attempt to reach her sister and prevent the two stormtroopers from taking Kipley, Selonna was blocked from leaving her room by a third, and was only stopped when she was able to get past the soldier.

Selonna did not know too much about this night action. Many people had been captured and taken away that day. Why, no one knew. It had literally come out of nowhere. There was no announcement, no rumor.

Those who knew did not want to tell. Some citizens, men and women, had died trying to defend themselves, and their bodies lay in the streets of their old home planet of Grodak until the wee hours of the morning.

"You look terrible," Bix said when Selonna came into the workshop half an hour after waking up, "did you have a rough night?"

"I wish," Selonna replied as she opened the first box of today's delivery, "Are the parts for Quoll in there?"

"I don't know," Bix shook his head and put the tools aside, "Nightmares?"

"No nightmares, just the night on Gradok," Selonna made it short, not wanting to dwell on it, and skimmed the delivery bills, "If they don't even come slowly, we've got a problem. We said three weeks and that was two weeks ago. If they haven't fixed it yet, then the question is whether..."

"Sel," the brunette was interrupted by Bix, "come and have a drink first. We still have a little over a week and Quoll can wait. If no suppliers come, there's nothing we can do about it. If we don't get anything, no other workshop on Ferrix will either".

Not really. With a few extra credits, a shipment would surely come, maybe even faster, but most of them could not afford that.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2023 ⏰

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