He gripped the Orb in his hand and lowered himself into the lake of blood. It burned when it hit the exposed flesh. But he ignored the pain. Pain was a small price to pay for immortality.

Gradually, he felt his skin begin to tighten. The scars and the flesh smoothed out. The flesh sank back behind, to reveal the youthful skin of a teenager.

He took a deep breath. He opened his eyes. The Blood Orb had worked its power again. As he lay in the lake, he pictured the night of the massacre.

Dozens of kids – laughing, joking, singing – had congregated in the area where the park was to be built. All of them wore work shirts and jeans and boots.

And all held onto wheelbarrows of bricks.

Ezra Henderson, Lorraine's great-grandfather had hired them, at ten dollars a day, to place bricks lining the wall of the theme park.

The crew began placing the bricks.

And then creams and cries and horror broke out.

Somebody threw a brick. The rectangular clay cube whizzed as it swept through the air... and landed on another boy's head.

Blood gushed like a fountain from the boy's ragged skull.

Another brick flew through the air. Then another, and another.

The kids shrieked in a murderous frenzy as they pelted each other to death.

Blood and chunks of flesh flew through the air, spattering the walls, the ground, the faces and arms of everybody in the vicinity.

As Pietro recalled the scene of horror, a smile of triumph ran across his face.

As he got out of the lake, he heard a shuffling sound coming from the entrance. Pietro looked up in shock. A girl sauntered into the cavern.

"Alicia! You nearly scared me!" Pietro called out angrily.

"You, scared? Please." Alicia responded back.

Alicia Hickman was the only person whom Pietro Bradley had shared the secret of the Blood Orb with. The secret to immortality.

"So what's the plan? Any ideas to get rid of the Hendersons once and for all?" she asked.

"It's all Ezra Parkinson's fault. He was the one who convinced me to split up when we were in the cave. This cave." Pietro looked scornfully at the lake.

"It's his fault I've killed so many people."


"So any plans for tonight? We should go out to dinner." Alicia suggested eagerly. "I heard of this one restaurant near-"

"Sorry, Alicia. I don't have time." Pietro interrupted. "I need to get to work."

Alicia smiled sadly.

"I see."

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"Please, Lorraine," implored Jared Warren, her dead brother's best friend. "All I want is a job. Couldn't you ask your dad for me?" They stood outside Lorraine's father's caravan, which was parked on a road near the hills.

"Why don't you ask me yourself?" a voice demanded.

"Dad!" Lorraine cried.

Sidestepping Jared, she sped across the road to her father, Jason Henderson.

"I was telling Lorraine I'm good with machines and stuff. I can run the Ferris wheel and anything else, just as good as Bruno."

"Oh, too bad," Henderson replied. "I've already hired a replacement for Bruno. Pietro Hernandez. Do you know him?"

The Caverns of Carnageजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें