Let's skip ahead

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Note: Sorryyy guys for being dead! I was really busy with things anyway I have decided to skip far ahead to actual cool fighting things.

I've decided since you guys waited so long I will make this chapter extra-long!!
let's get into it (ps. My birthday is on aug 10 I saying this cuz I feel lonely)

sorry if theres characters that wasn't here before.. I barely remember who was here or not.



"I leave the kingdom to you for the time being."


**gasping intensify** "AHh~~ What a mistress!! Such beauty! I have met a goddes-" sanji swoons all over where they watch, to the walls, to the people—until nami decided to end him "OwWw Nami- chANnNnn!"

"moving on... Why are we suddenly watching a lady?" despite wanting to ask more ace was interrupted by...

"Hold on just a moment!?! Who are you calling a lady?! You think I'm just a mere lady?!" hancock says and goes to her classic pose to over dramatically look down on someone.

That clearly left ace confused as hell (ps. I imagine him to not be a sanji over hancock just like luffy yk)

"The wait was worth it. Now, it seems I'll be able to fulfill my mission." Said a marine.

"Now who is this little shit?.." how annoying... it's the face.

As Hancock boarded the marine's boat.. "Still, considering how opposed you were to coming along earlier, you still made the right decision." The marine talks as if Hancock didn't just ignore him and walked pass him.

"How strange..." law murmured, usually Boa hancock-ya doesn't like marines or men in general... but perhaps?..

"Law-san?" Bepo cutely boops him.

"I'm.." Too cute!.. I can't!

Near them, a sigh was heard. "Why are we even watching this?!.. Get to the point already..!" irritated, Kidd was losing his patience

Suddenly a grumbled was heard..

"How embarrassing..!" Hancock mumbled, whilst trying to maintain her posture.

"..." – everyone else except..

"I fully understand" said by none other than Ace~.

"It seems that even the feared pirate empress is still a human."

'Shut up..! you damned marine I will slaughter you, skin you, hang you, straggle you, hunt your entire bloodlin-'

(guess who said this?—ded author"

"Even your stomach growls in hunger"


"What an intelligent being" claps

"Do not be absurd! An empress would not make such a disgusting.."



Watching his memoriesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon