The Only Way

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The University of Wakanda was located south of the inner city where the bustling loud noises of happy market vendors and hundreds of Wakandan citizens running their daily errands were replaced by a more tranquil district in the city.

To get to the University District the girls needed to take a shuttle for a mile across the river. The river acted as a border that separated the University from the downtown city. For good reason because as soon as Shuri and Riri stepped out of the shuttle the streets were less compressed and more serene. Students and professors were the only people that occupied the University District full-time. The streets weren't filled with stores and restaurants on every corner, museums, and libraries were the replacement.

Coffee shops and multiple parks with vegetation were areas where students could relax outside of the University.

This was Shuri's home away from her lab. The University District was an extension of herself when she cultivated and designed this area with her brother when he initiated the Outreach program years ago.

As Shuri and Riri walked closer to the University, multiple people waved at the two women. Shuri was popular in the district. Since T'Challa's passing and then the tragedy that befell her mother Shuri hadn't visited the University in two years. That was the longest she has been away and Shuri immediately felt it.

Shuri smiled as she looked at all of the museums' posters with new exhibits and the tall building that housed a multitude of libraries

"Shuri this part of Wakanda is incredible," Riri looked around her eyes widened in disbelief

"Thank you, when I designed the district with my brother our goal was for the students to feel like they had a place where everything was within walking distance, museums, labs, libraries, and garages are all over here for them,"

"Garages?" Riri asked in astonishment

"Yes, since this is your first time here and we still have an hour until my speech let me show you around,"

Shuri decided that she was going to be bold and test the waters with Riri since they were alone "May I hold your hand?"

Riri's cheeks instantly flushed as she looked up at Shuri she was too stunned to speak coherent sentences

"Wouldn't want you wandering off right,"

Shuri saw the gears finally processing in Riri's head as she smiled brightly and took her hand gently

The connection felt like lightning to Shuri she intertwined their hands softly as she gauged Riri's reaction. The younger engineer wasn't pulling away from her so Shuri hoped that was a good sign.

Shuri lead the way as she showed Riri most of the buildings around the University but the place Shuri was most excited to show her was the University Garage.

The garage was a massive three-story building where multiple students were wielding and constructing several projects all at once. The sound of whirring gears and vibranium hitting other metals was very therapeutic for Shuri.

Shuri noticed that Riri gripped her hand slightly as her big eyes began to scan every inch of the garage in amazement.

"Do you think the ten-year-old girl in your story would like this garage?" Shuri asked sweetly

Riri didn't respond for a moment as her eyes continued to drink up every corner "She... she would love it Shuri," she finally responded quietly as their eyes met again this time Shuri's cheeks blushed slightly

"You know this is where we designed Sergeant Barnes' new arm, most of the technical engineering was done inside of my lab but the architectural design was done here," Shuri continued to push the conversation

The Panther's IronHeart (Shuri x Riri)Where stories live. Discover now