QUINN and FINN are having a conversation as FINN retrieves books from his locker. RACHEL is at her own locker a few feet from them, facing away. Rachel angles a small mirror in her hand to watch the exchange behind her.
QUINN says to Finn "We are in line to be the most popular kids in the school over the next couple years."
FINN says to Quinn "Yeah, I know."
QUINN says to Finn "Prom king and queen. Homecoming court royalty. I am not giving up those shiny crowns just so you can express yourself."
FINN says to Quinn "Look, you're making too big a deal out of this."
RACHEL closes her mirror and settles for listening intently.
QUINN says to Finn "Okay. Let's compromise. If you quit the club, I'll let you touch my breast."
FINN says to Quinn "Under the shirt?"
QUINN says to Finn "Over the bra."
FINN pauses, momentarily conflicted.
FINN says to Quinn "No. No, I can't."
QUINN scoffs.
FINN says to Quinn "I want to do Glee. I'm really happy when I'm performing.
QUINN says to Finn "People think you're gay now, Finn. And you know what that makes me? Your big gay beard.
FINN says to Quinn "Look. I...I gotta go to class. Okay? Just relax. Everything's gonna work out."
FINN closes his locker and exits.
QUINN says to Rachel "Eavesdrop much? Time for some girl talk, man hands. You can dance with him. You can sing with him. But you will never have him.
RACHEL says to Quinn "I understand why you'd be threatened. Finn and I have made a connection. But I'm an honorable person. I don't need to steal your man. I have plenty of suitors of my own. Every day Glee's status is going up, and yours is going down. Deal with it."
RACHEL turns to walk away and two slushies are promptly thrown in her face. PUCK and another JOCK, the culprits, high five each other as they walk away.

PUCK says to the Jock "Awesome."
JOCK says to Puck "Holla!"
School Bell rings.


The Glee Club is singing and dancing to "Le Freak" by Chic

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The Glee Club is singing and dancing to "Le Freak" by Chic. WILL critiques them as they perform.

WILL says to the glee club "Energy, guys! It's disco. Good with the hands. John Travolta hands. All right. We're freaking out. Let's go. And up and out and down. Good. Good. Good. Good, guys.
RACHEL kicks out her leg while dancing, coming uncomfortably close to MERCEDES' face.
MERCEDES says to Rachel "Whoa, whoa! Hell to the nah! First of all, you try to bust my face again, and I will cut you!"
Mercedes says to Will "And, also, this song is terrible."
WILL says to the glee club "No, no, no. It's not the song. You guys just need to get into it."
KURT says to Will (annoyed) "No, it's the song. It's really gay."
ARTIE says to Will "We need modern music, Mr. Schue."
WILL says to the glee club "I'm sorry, guys. We don't have time to discuss this. We're doing this song this Friday at the pep assembly."
TINA says to Will (incredulously) "In front of the whole school?"
WILL mistaking her outburst for excitement
Will says to Tina "Exactly."
KURT says to Will "They're gonna throw food at us. And I just had a facial."
RACHEL says to Kurt "I'll press charges if that happens."
WILL says to the glee club "Guys. I can't express to you how important this assembly is."
FINN appears terrified. RACHEL looks at him with concern. The rest of the club are visibly upset.
WILL says to the glee club "We need recruits. There are six of you. We need twelve to qualify for regionals. We have no choice or the club is over. I know you guys don't like this song, but we took nationals back in 93 with Freak Out.It's a crowd-pleaser. Trust me. From the top."
FINN says to Will "I'm dead."
RACHEL continues to look concerned as the rest of the club move away.
WILL and TERRI are seated in the living room of a house they would like to buy. A REALTOR stands before them with a small-scale model of the house.
WILL's voiceover
My father always said you become a man when you buy your first house. I'm not sure what he meant by that since he burned ours down once after a drunken fight with Mom.
REALTOR says to Terri "Welcome to your little slice of the American dream."
TERRI says to Realtor "I have a question about the trees. It's always been my personal dream to cut down my own Christmas tree. How many Christmas trees will we have in the backyard? And do they come in different colors? Because, well, obviously we're expecting a family. And I have a real sense it might be a girl."
As TERRI chatters on, WILL becomes more uneasy.
WILL's voiceover
Still, I can't believe we're actually doing this. It all happened so fast.
WILL and TERRI are seated at the table with TERRI's sister, KENDRA, and her husband. KENDRA's three sons are running around the table, screaming continuously and causing damage.
WILL's voiceover
It all started when Terri's sister Kendra brought her kids over for Sunday brunch.
KENDRA says to Terri "Well, I just don't understand where you're planning on putting the nursery."
TERRI says to Kendra "I know."
WILL says to Kendra "Well, we have a second bedroom."
KENDRA says to Terri "You are not giving up your craft room, Terri. A mother needs her respite. That craft room is the only thing that's gonna keep you from going all Susan Smith on that little angel."
Kendra says to Will "Postpartum runs in our family."
KENDRA's husband Phil rises from his seat.
KENDRA says to Phil "Where are you going?"
HUSBAND says to Kendra (hesitantly) "Bathroom. All that bran."
KENDRA says to Phil "No, you can't. Kyle needs his inhaler."
Phil sits down, looking dejected. WILL lets out a scream over the noise and ends it with a laugh. Will is overwhelmed by the screaming boys.
KENDRA says to Terri "Anyway, this conversation is over. They're starting construction on a new section of our subdivision."
TERRI gasps.
KENDRA says to Terri "You are not bringing my niece or nephew home to this apartment. When pigs fly."
HUSBAND says to KENDRA "Can I eat this?"
WILL lets his fork drop to his plate in frustration. The screaming persists.
The REALTOR leads TERRI and WILL through the house.
REALTOR says to Will and Terri "This banister was made by Ecuadorean children."
TERRI gasps in excitement.
WILL says to Terri "It's great, Terri, but there are nine foreclosures on our street. Why can't we buy one of those? They're half the price."
TERRI says to Will "I'm not raising my baby in a used house. They're not clean."
Terri and Will enter the kitchen and TERRI gasps.
TERRI says to Will "Look at the sun nook. Isn't it beautiful?"
WILL says to Realtor "Is it extra?"
REALTOR says to Will "Mm. The price in the brochure is for the basic model. Everything else is à la carte. The grand foyer is an extra 14,000, and the sun nook is an extra 24."
WILL sighs at the price.
REALTOR says to Will and Terri "I'll let you two talk."
TERRI says to Realtor "Thank you."
WILL says to Terri "Thank you. Hmm. We can't afford this."
TERRI says to Will "We already did the math, Will. All we have to do is give up Applebee's and we won't run the A.C. for the first couple of summers."
WILL says to Terri. "Well, we certainly can't afford the grand foyer and the sun nook. I mean, if we bite off more than we can chew, we'll lose everything. You need to pick one."
TERRI chuckles
Terri says to Will "Come with me. I'm gonna show you something really special."
WILL and TERRI are standing in the doorway of a bedroom decorated for a little girl.
TERRI says to Will "This is where our daughter or gay son will sleep. I thought maybe we could put one of those mini pianos in here and you two could put on shows for me."
WILL says to Terri "I love it, Terri, but we still can't afford everything."
TERRI sighs.
TERRI says to herself "It's my very own Sophie's choice."
Terri says to Will "Fine. I'm gonna give up the sun nook for the grand foyer. But I really need the polished door handles."
WILL sighs and looks away.
TERRI says to Will "Think of our family, Will. This is our dream."
WILL's voiceover
I knew in that moment that I would do whatever it took, even if it meant getting a part-time job to make some extra money to make that dream come true.
Will says to TERRI "Let's go sign those papers."
WILL places a kiss on TERRI's forehead and exits.
TERRI whispering to herself "Yes!"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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