"Such a Pretty House"

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TW: unsafe binding, gender dysphoria, implied abuse, and transphobia.

   Hunter lied in bed exhausted after a long week of training. It was finally Friday which meant it was almost the weekend. He greatly looked forward to the weekend, due to the fact it meant he got to leave the castle for missions. He despised the castle and everything about it. He didn't feel this way up until recently. Belos had been treating him worse and this job had been slowly killing him. (A/N A JOBB THAT SLOWLY KILLLSSS YOOUUU). Hunter pulled the blankets over him and attempted to fall asleep.

   Hunter awoke the next morning feeling terrible. He had terrible sleep the last night, as per usual. Still, he had to drag himself out of bed to go on whatever mission Belos or Darius would decide to send him on. Hunter rolled of of bed and into the shower. Hunter shivered at the cold water. (The castle doesn't have hot water.) After his shower he went to get dressed for the day. He pulled out his guard outfit and binder. He struggled to get the binder on for it was way to small for him. He winced at the pain the binder was causing him. He chose to ignore it and keep getting ready. Once he was done he glanced in the mirror sickened at the fact his chest wasn't completely flat. He sighed and walked down the hall to the throne room for his mission.

   Hunter strolled through the halls of the castle attempting to appear confident and hopefully, masculine. "Morning Heather, (Hunter's deadname) I assume you're here for your mission for today?" Belos asked. Hunter saddened at the deadnaming. He wondered if he would ever get used to it. "Yes sir," Hunter replied. "Wonderful, there is a pair of teens causing trouble in town. I need you to bring them to the castle. We must talk some sense into them," Belos stated, "Yes sir" Hunter responded starting to walk out of the castle. 

  Hunter wheezed as he ran to town. He finally arrived into town and became extremely light headed. He walked around town looking for something similar to Belos description. Finally, he came upon an alleyway with two teens inside. They looked almost identical just different genders. The boy seemed to be trying to set off illegal fireworks. "I COMMAND YOU TO STOP!" Hunter commanded. "BOLT!" the boy shouted starting to run away while the girl followed closely behind him. Hunter sprinted after them. Running caused him extreme pain but Belos caused more so, he pushed on. He grew more lightheaded as his breathing restricted. And then right as he was about to grab the boy, everything went blank. Hunter had passed out knocking over both him and the boy.

A/N Wassup, this was fun to write. Constructive criticism is much appreciated. First fic so be nice lol. If people like this I'll prob write more. Sorry this was short and kinda sucky but whatever lol.

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