Hazel's POV

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I was walking around Chummy's room with Daisy when suddenly I bumped into someone. He was very tall and I caught sight of a mop of messy blonde hair on his head.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry miss." He exclaimed, his American accent thick.

I knew that voice. I had heard it before. And I had been longing to hear it ever since I came here.

"Hazel it's your lover boy," Daisy whispered loudly.

I blushed bright red before looking up into the face of Alexander Arcady.

"Hey Alex," I grinned widely.

"Hazel!" He beamed excitedly before sweeping me into a hug.

I hugged him back tightly, my face as red as a postbox. I pulled away however Alexander still kept his arm around me which made me blush.

"It's so good to see you." I smiled.

"It's good to see you too." He responded.

"Ah you must be Miss Wells and Miss Wong, Alex has been talking about you all day, of course he was mainly blabbing on about Miss Wong." A voice announced.

I looked over and saw an Indian boy sauntering over. He had an air of importance and authority about him, like Daisy.

"Yes, I am the honourable Daisy Wells and my best friend Hazel Wong is currently getting crushed by old Longarms over there and who might you be?." Daisy responded.

"Mr George Mukherjee at your service," The boy - George stated before bowing.

"Oh no not another Daisy." I muttered.

Alexander laughed, Daisy glared at me and George looked over at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"You wound me Miss Wong." He laughed.

"Oh pack it in George." Alexander stated, rolling his eyes.

"Ooooo oooo protecting your girlfriend were you." George smirked.

Alexander and I blushed, both turning equally dark shades of red.

"I think I like you George Mukherjee." Daisy grinned.

"I am glad Daisy Wells." George responded.

They carried on talking in low voices while Alexander continued to hold me close to him. This was a dream come true. My crush was holding me close to him in front of a room of people.

I suddenly found myself needing to use the loo so I whispered "um Alex, could you show me to a restroom please?"

"Sure Hazel." He responded quietly.

Alexander took my hand then led me out of the room and down a flight of stairs towards the toilets.

I walked out of the bathroom a few minutes later and found Alexander sat on a step, waiting for me.

"May I escort you back to the party my dear  Miss Wong?" He asked, offering his arm for me to take.

My chest was filled with butterflies l. I couldn't remember how to breathe. This was the best thing ever.

"You may, Mr Arcady." I responded, my cheeks were red and my eyes were bright.

I took his arm and we walked up the flight of stairs and back into the party.

"Oi lovebirds look up " called a grinning George.

We both looked up and saw what they were talking about. Mistletoe. I looked over at Daisy and saw that a smirk was present on her face. I glared at her which made her laugh.

"So are you going to kiss?" Daisy asked.

I looked up at Alexander and he whispered "we don't have to if-"

I cut him off by standing on my tip-toes, putting my arms around his neck and kissing him in front of everyone.

Alexander's eyes widened in surprise however his surprise turned to joy as he kissed me back. I could feel his hands on my waist as we stood underneath the mistletoe.

When we broke apart the whole room burst into cheers, applause and in the case of Daisy and George, wolf whistles.

I turned bright red and buried my face into Alexander's chest. He put his arms around me and my heart beat a hundred miles per hour. I felt the happiest I have ever been in my whole life.

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