Y/n: thanks unnie where is hyung

Lia: he is busy in some work.

Y/n: oh i see. Btw unnie can you complete those files for me *pointing towards the files kept on the sofa*

Lia: sure why not

She took the file and sat on the sofa and started to do the work. They both were working and didn't knew when the time passed.

They heard a knock on the door

Y/n: come in *cold*

Felix came.

Felix: oh hi lia you here

Lia: yeah i was doing some work

Felix: oh. Anyways y/n mr.kim is here. He and his secretary is waiting for you in the meeting room

Y/n: ok you go a head I'll come

Felix: hmm

He went out. She took the files she need for the presentation and went to the meeting room. Going inside she saw some of her employees, Felix and mr.kim and his secretary sitting there.

As soon as she went inside everyone got up and bowed to her

Mr.kim: nice you meet you miss yoona *cold* *forwarding hand for a handshake*

Y/n: nice to meet you too mr.kim *cold+ formal* *shaking hands*

Felix: so shall we start the meeting miss Yoona *formal*

Y/n: sure *cold + formal*

She sat down on the chair which was provided to her. The meeting started and diamond enterprises was the first one to present their thoughts.

Felix  was the one giving the presentation.

Felix: so as you all know that there are three pieces of land in the outskirts of Seoul

Everyone nodded

Felix: so one of the piece of land is owned by our company which is the Diamond Enterprises and the other is owned by the Kim enterprises but the third piece of land is owned by shin enterprises and they aren't ready to use the land so Diamond Enterprises wants to have a common project between kim enterprises and Diamond Enterprises so that they can combine the land and work on it together.

He was really formal and confident

Mr.kim's secretary: but what would we do with that one piece of land * formal*

Y/n: nice question *cold and formal*

He got up from her seat and went infront. She signalled Felix to sit and he did.

Y/n: as we know that the people who live in the outskirts of Seoul have lack of the necessities they want. So after very much thinking me and my team has come to a conclusion that we would built a mall on that land which will provide the people living there a better quality of life *cold+formal*

Mr.kinm: but shin enterprises is also a equal owner of the land how can we do it without their will *cold + formal*

Y/n: you are right mr.kim but as we all know that mr.shin the CEO of shin enterprises and is not in good terms with us so we have decided to negotiate with them about this matter *cold + formal*

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