♣︎ Chapter 1 ♣︎

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❃.✮:▹I told star about you◃:✮.❃



"No! This is mine!!" (y/n) stick her tongue out and run away as she climbed the wall and jump to the rooftop. The old cat stopped running and look up at (y/n) with upset expressions stick on his face.

"What you gonna say now, hmm? " (y/n) looking down at the old cat and smirked at him while she show him the necklace in her paws.

"COME BACK HERE AND GIVE THAT BACK! " The old man growled at here and try to climb the wall but failed.

"Geez you don't have any word's that you can say instead 'come back here and give that back '? " (y/n) mocking his word and chuckle a little bit.

"Besides this necklace is not yours, you old cats~ This necklace is belong to me, y'know that right? You're the one who is steal it from me. " She narrow her eyes to the old cats down there.

"Y-you don't understand! I really need that to pay my debt!! " He shouted as his forehead sweaty. He can't imagine if he can't get that necklace back, his life will be in danger and he will be hunt for all his life.

"And you don't understand how sad I am when you trick me and stole this from my neck! "

The old cats seems loss of words, he don't really know what should he say.

"Okay then! " She wearing the necklace back in her neck then stretch a little bit.

"WAIT! PLEASE WAIT!!" The old cats shouted, begging for (y/n) to wait while he take out something from his vest.

"H-here!! I have whiskey bottles! We could exchange it with your necklace, how about that, kid? " He grinned, showing the whiskey bottle to (y/n) who is narrowing her eyes on that bottles.

"Is it shiny?" She scanned the whiskey bottles.

"W-what? Shiny? " He confused, looking at the whiskey bottles in his paws.

"Yep! Is it shiny? And is it worth it to exchange that thing with my necklace? "

"Y-yes!! It's worth it! C'mon on kid! This is Springbank 1919 whiskey! "

"Hmmm I don't know....isn't that whiskey is in the category of top 20 expensive whiskey? "

" Ahh yes, you can say that... So? You wanna change with it? " He smirked as he thought that (y/n) will change her mind.

"No thanks."

"WAIT WHAT?! " He shocked by her answers.

"I'm not into with those whiskey or alcohol. Besides, I think you're rich enough, old cats~You can buy that expensive whiskey but couldn't pay your debt? "

Diamond Princess (Rocky Rickaby x F. reader) Where stories live. Discover now