Chapter 2

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Annie drove to her office bewildered. What just happened? Did she just imagine everything? "No," she thought shaking her head. It was real, all of it. His eyes, his touch, his voice, the fluttering in her tummy and, in a few hours, they were going to have dinner, together. She wished she watched his show, then she wouldn't be so clueless when she saw him again. Spotting a Target, she whipped her car into the parking lot and ran inside. Heading straight to the DVD section, she stopped when she realized she couldn't remember the name of the show. Damn! Noticing an employee stocking the shelves she tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me, but do you have any DVD's of a television show called, uh, The something."

"Do you mean The Walking Dead? Sure, we have seasons one through three right over there" he said pointing over her shoulder. Turning she let out a sigh of relief, there it was. Picking up the set she looked it over. "That what you're lookin' for?" She nodded and handed him her credit card. When she got home she planned to watch a few episodes so she at least an idea of what the show was about and she wouldn't feel so clueless and be able to fully engage in some conversation over dinner.

Picking up his cell phone Norman dialed a familiar number. "Dude!"

"Hey, brother, ya busy?"

"Of course, I am," he said laughing. "What's up?"

"I met a woman today. I mean she's just...WOW!"

"She gets a 'wow' from you? That's hard to do."

"She's smart, sweet, beautiful, and oh, did I mention hot as hell?"

"Where'd you meet her?"

"She's an interior designer. She came here today to go over what I wanted to do to the place. I couldn't take my eyes off her."

"Tell me you didn't feel her up like a 17-year-old boy."

"Ha! Naw, but I would've liked to," he said with a low laugh. "You're just a regular Casanorman." His friend Sean said breaking out in laughter at his own joke. Norman rolled his eyes. "So, what's she look like? Send me a pic."

"Come on, I just met her today but I invited her to come back to watch a movie and have dinner."

"Ahhh, very clever I'lllp my friend. The old movie and dinner trick eh?"

"It's not a trick brother, I just want to see her again. I can't put my finger on it but from the minute I saw her I knew I had to get to know her, had to give it a shot."

"Then at least tell me what she looks like until you get a picture, preferably naked!" Sean let out a hearty laugh. "Dude, not cool." Sean sighed. "Just kidding, relax. So what does she look like?"

"Long dark curly hair, incredible green eyes, smokin' bod. Hell, I'm surprised my mouth stayed closed when I saw her. "Did she fawn all over you?" Norman chuckled. "No, that's the thing, she didn't know who I was."

"Excuse me, are you screwing with me?"

"Nope never heard of me so I took her to the room."

"The room? Did you really take her to THE room? What'd she say?"

"I'm not really sure how she felt about everything.  Maybe it was too much because she seemed a little embarrassed and we didn't talk too much about it."

"Oh man, she sounds like a keeper. First, she agreed to see you again. Second, if she didn't know who you were she isn't in it for the fame and money like some other bitches you've dated so they could use you to further their own careers."

"Yeah, yeah, I know." Norman stroked his chin and lit a cigarette. "If you get a pic of her, send it to me, I gotta see the girl who's making you sound like a horny high school kid." Norman laughed. "I gotta run, she's going to be here soon and I want to shower and change."

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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