Chapter 7

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The next training ended and it was clearly hell for me I'm super tired

They teach us how to fire a gun how to perform CPR and other things

I don't think this is just simple training are they planning to put us in a war

Thank god that bully Il-Ha didn't try to bother me

I will surely kill him if he did that

It doesn't matter if I got a penalty

We all came back to our dorms to rest and get ready for tomorrow

"Hello, y/n can I borrow some of your novels? I'm bored" Soonyi cling to my arm

"Sure" I answered

I've noticed my classmate's behavior

Some of the girls always cling to me and try hard to befriend me

And the boys are always inviting me to hang out with them but I reject them all because I need to study

'Do they like me?' I furrowed my eyebrow

I just let Soonyi cling to my arm it looks like if I wouldn't let her she'll cry

Gosh what a crybaby

Some of my classmates are staring at us weirdly that I can't explain and don't understand at all


In the past few days, they were being so clingy to me

So weird...


It's already night but I can't sleep

What happened to Young Hoon still bothers me

I got up and decide to go to our classroom

I want to be alone tonight...

"What are you doing here?" Chiyeol asked

"I can't sleep and what happened to Younghoon still bothers me" I answered

"What about you?" I asked

"I just had a bad dream Il-Ha is trying to kill me because he thinks I might tell anyone about it and I got eaten by a sphere"

"Don't worry it's just a dream" I smiled at him

I notice his face getting red like a tomato

"Are you blushing?" I grinned

"B-Blushing?" He stutters

"It's so obvious you don't need to deny it" I laugh

I decide to tease him more so I lean my face to kiss his cheek
but he suddenly turns his head on me

Our lips met

I quickly separate from him and stared at him in shock

I touch my lips

It was my first kiss

"I'm sorry!" I shouted and run away

Chiyeol's POV

Our lips met

I can't believe this

I got my first kiss from my crush

I started to blush

"Sorry!" She shouted and run away

"W-Wait!" I tried to stop her but she already left the room

Y/n the love of my life just kiss me

If Il-Ha's going to find out about this is going to kill

A lot of us like her and I'm hoping that she's going to choose me over them


No one's POV

"I'll give you a minute to assemble the gun." Lieutenant Lee said



"If you can't get it done in a minute, you'll get a penalty"



They whined

"Sooyeon? Why do you keep staring at y/n and platoon leader?" Hana suspiciously asked her friend

"Both of them are so hot my type" Sooyeon dreamingly said

"Wait what?"

"I like y/n since the first day of school because she's so hot same with the platoon commander"

"Gosh I can't believe you"

Both Hana and Sooyeon whispered to each other so no one can hear them

"Who whined? Come out."

"Group One, disassemble and assemble the gun start"

You were the first one to dissemble and assemble the gun so everyone stared at you in amazement

All the students had already disassembled and assembled their guns except Aesol

She tried and tried again because she can't do it until it was already sunset

Everyone complained about her

"Guys, can't you just stop complaining she's struggling and trying her best to disassemble and assemble her gun." You said upset

Everyone looks down in shame

"Group two attention, there are no individuals or me on the training ground. There's only us but you criticize your friend's mistake and jeer at them if it was a real situation, you guys would be dead already"

"Therefore, until the last person succeeds, you will not be getting any dinner tonight."



"That's not fair."

"We're starving."

"Seriously I'm starving too."

"Come on, that's not fair"

"What is this?"

"This is so annoying"

You just rolled your eyes because of their childish behavior

"Private No. Ae Seol begin."


Y/n's POV

"Stop it. Ae seol is eating" Youngshin said

"Yeah stop the childish act" I glared at them

"Hey, this isn't the first time you know if it was, I wouldn't even be complaining," Bora said

"Say it when we're done eating" I scoff

"But it's her fault that we're eating this trash"
Hana rolled her eyes

"Y/n why are you defending this girl? She's just a pain in the ass" She glared at Aesol before she left

"Hey!" I was about to invite her to a fight but Youngshin stopped me

"I've lost my appetite" I said and walked out of the cafeteria

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