𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑓𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

En başından başla

BLACK WIDOW: It's not your fault. You didn't know what you were doing.

SELVIG: Well, actually I think I did. I built in a safety to cut the power source

BLACK WIDOW: Loki's scepter.

SELVIG: It might be able to close the portal. (Selvig looks down. He sees a GOLD GLEAM) And I'm looking right at it.


[THOR rides on top of a chariot, SMACKING SEVERAL RIDERS with the hammer. As Thor takes the reins, a CHITAURI LEVIATHAN crashes through a building, knocking him down to where Cap is, fighting off SOLDIERS. IRON MAN flies right next to the CHITAURI LEVIATHAN and aims his LASER BOOSTER at it. Nothing.]

JARVIS: Sir, we will lose power before you cut through that shell.

[IRON MAN flies up ahead, facing the oncoming monster.]

IRON MAN: JARVIS. You ever hear the tale of Jonah?

JARVIS: I wouldn't consider him a role model.

[IRON MAN FLIES TOWARDS THE CHITAURI LEVIATHAN, UNLEASHING EVERY ARSENAL ON THE SUIT. The CHITAURI LEVIATHAN opens its mouth. IRON MAN flies in and BURSTS out the other end, making the CHITAURI LEVIATHAN collapse. IRON MAN rolls down the street. The wind is knocked out of him. He looks up with an overwhelming sigh as a SMALL BAND of CHITAURI SOLDIERS rush towards him, holding out their rifles.]


[HAWKEYE turns to fire HIS LAST ARROW. Using his bow as a staff, he knocks some CHITAURI SOLDIERS, before yanking his last arrow off the dead body a CHITAURI SOLDIERS. HAWKEYE nocks his arrow, DIVES DOWN THE BUILDING and FIRES his GRAPPLING ARROW up into the side of building. Falling down, HAWKEYE finds the MOMENTUM and SWINGS himself into a building and CANNONBALLS in.]


[The HULK holds CHITAURI SOLDIERS by the face and SLAMS them down. Black orbs appeared around Elenis hands and she ripped apart a few Chitauri Soldiers.  More keeps coming. HULK and Eleni look up. HUNDREDS OF RIDERS HOVER OVER Them. Then... they begin to fire ENERGY BLASTS. Eleni created a force field around herself, while HULK TAKES THEM LIKE HE'S RUNNING THROUGH A LIGHT RAIN. BLOCKING THE STREAM OF STREAKING BLASTS, AS THOUGH SWATTING AT BEES.]


[A lone pilot sits in his cockpit, listening.]

WORLD SECURITY COUNCIL #2: DIRECTOR FURY is no longer in command. Override order, 7 ALPHA 11.

PILOT: 7 ALPHA 11, confirmed. Prepare to takeoff.
[He ignites his engine.]


[Back in the bridge, Agent Hill sees on her PILOT preparing to leave.]

AGENT MARIA HILL: Sir, we have a bird in motion! Anyone on the deck, we have a rogue bird! We need to shut it down! Repeat! Take off is not authorized!


[NICK FURY RUNS OUT TO THE DECK, HOLDING A FUCKING AIRTRONIC RPG- 7. He takes AIM and FIRES, HITTING the TAIL END of the jet. The jet SKIDS OFF towards the edge. PILOT UNHARMED. Suddenly, another JET FLIES off. Fury stands there, knowing he can't do anything about it.

NICK FURY: Stark, you hearing me? We have a missile headed straight for the city.

IRON MAN (V.O.): How long?

NICK FURY: Three minutes, at best. Stay low and wipe out the missile.

"Thats not good."


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