Chapter 2 - Change

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Since Jane arrived in New York, she has been living in a hostel for a few weeks. While it's not exactly a luxurious living arrangement, it's affordable and convenient for someone on a tight budget like Jane. She has been sharing a room with a few other travelers, which has been a great way to meet new people and make friends. But, of course, she was not feeling at home. So, it was clear that Jane needed to find a place to live that was more permanent.

One day, as she was browsing through Facebook, she saw a post from a woman named Harper. She needed a roommate to share her apartment with. The pictures showed a cozy studio located on the fourth floor of a classic pre-war building. The apartment boasts beautiful architectural details, such as crown molding and hardwood floors, which add to its charm and character. Jane was immediately interested. She messaged Harper to ask if the room was still available.

"Hey, Harper. I saw your post on Facebook about looking for a roommate. Is the room still available?" Jane typed.

Harper responded quickly, "Yes, it is! Do you want to come by and see the apartment?"

"Absolutely," Jane replied. "When would be a good time?"

"How about this afternoon at 3 pm?" Harper suggested.

"That works for me," Jane said. "I'll see you then."

As Jane made her way to the apartment, she couldn't help feeling nervous. She had never met Harper in person and was worried about whether they would get along. When she arrived at the building, Harper was waiting for her in the lobby.

Harper looked like a tall and striking woman with long blonde hair that cascades down her back. She has an air of confidence and success, which is evident in the way she carries herself and the sleek business attire she wears.

"Hey, Jane! It's so good to see you! I'm Harper Jones." Harper exclaimed, giving her a warm hug.

"It's great to see you too, I'm Jane Davis," Jane said, smiling.

They chatted for a bit as they made their way up to the apartment. When they arrived, Jane was struck by how beautiful the apartment was. It was spacious, with high ceilings and large windows.

"Wow, this place is amazing," Jane said, looking around in awe.

"Thanks! I love it here," Harper replied.

As they toured the apartment, Jane couldn't help feeling impressed. It was clear that Harper had great taste and had put a lot of effort into making the apartment feel like a home.

"So, what do you think?" Harper asked when they had finished the tour.

"I love it," Jane said. "But, to be honest, I'm a bit worried about the cost. I don't have a lot of money to spare."

"I understand," Harper said sympathetically. "But I'm looking for a roommate to split the rent with, so it won't be too expensive for either of us."

"That's true," Jane said, considering. "And it would be great to have my own room again."

"I have an extra bedroom that you can use," Harper said. "And we'll split the utilities evenly. It'll work out well, I promise."

After some more discussion, Jane decided to take the room. As they shook hands and finalized the details, she felt relieved and grateful that she had found a place to call home in this big, overwhelming city.

Over the next few weeks, Jane and Harper's friendship grew stronger as they settled into their new home. They spent countless hours chatting about their favorite music and art, often staying up late into the night and sharing stories about their past experiences. Jane admired Harper's confident and assertive personality, which was reflected in the way she carried herself and in her successful career.

Despite the challenges of living in a bustling city, they tackled every issue as a team. Whether it was navigating the crowded subway or dealing with noisy neighbors, they always had each other's backs. Jane felt grateful to have found not just a roommate, but a friend who shared her passion for New York City. Their apartment became a sanctuary from the chaos of the city, filled with eclectic artwork, vintage furniture, and their shared love of music.

A few days after the encounter with Ryan at the coffee shop, Jane was anxiously waiting for a response about the job he told her. Finally, after a few days, she received a text from him.

"Hi Jane, it's Ryan. I talked to my friend, Alex Martinez, and told him about you. He said to send your resume to his e-mail and he will look at it." Jane couldn't believe it! She quickly typed out a response.

"Hi, Ryan! Thank you so much for getting back to me. I'll do it now!" She replied and quickly run to her desk, feeling anxious and nervous, typing up her resume to send to Alex. She had been job hunting for weeks, sending out countless applications and attending interviews, but so far, she had no luck. As she reviewed her resume, she wondered if it was good enough and if she had the right experience. She took a deep breath and hit send, hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

A few minutes later, she received a response from Alex. Her heart raced as she clicked on the email, hoping for good news. As she read through the message, relief flooded over her. Alex was impressed with her experience and skills and wanted to set up an interview.

Despite feeling nervous, Jane felt a glimmer of hope. This was her chance to prove herself, to show that she was capable and deserving of the job. She prepared for the interview, practicing her responses to potential questions, and researching the company and its values.

The next day was the interview. Jane felt a mix of nerves and excitement. Jane wore a simple but professional outfit, opting for a pair of black slacks and a white blouse. She paired the outfit with a sleek black blazer and comfortable black flats. Despite her nervousness, she wanted to make a good impression and dress appropriately for the job interview. She wore her hair in a neat bun and applied light makeup to enhance her features. Overall, she looked poised and confident, ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead.

She arrived at the office building early, taking deep breaths to calm her nerves. As she sat in the waiting room, she couldn't help but feel intimidated by the sleek and modern decor and the buzz of activity around her. However, she reminded herself that she was prepared and qualified for the job, and that gave her the confidence to walk into the interview with her head held high.

As Alex greeted her and led her into his office, Jane tried to stay calm and composed. They exchanged pleasantries, and he dove right into the interview questions. She answered each one thoughtfully and confidently, highlighting her skills and experiences that would make her an asset to the team.

As the interview wrapped up, Alex thanked Jane for her time and promised to be in touch soon. Jane left the office feeling hopeful and proud of herself for taking the initiative to pursue her dream job. She couldn't wait to hear back from Alex and see what the future held for her.

"Just got off the interview with Alex. Thank you so much for the opportunity!" Jane texted Ryan as she was in the elevator to leave, happy to have met this guardian angel.

As the elevator doors opened, Jane stepped out and was surprised to see Ryan tied up in a conversation with several other businessmen. She paused for a moment, not wanting to interrupt, but Ryan noticed her and waved her over.

"Hey Jane, how did it go?" Ryan asked, his tone busy but friendly.

"Oh... It went really well," Jane replied, smiling nervously.

"That's great to hear. I'll be sure to follow up with Alex and see how it went from his perspective," Ryan said, gesturing to the other men around him.

Jane nodded, feeling a little overwhelmed by the business talk going on around her. She felt a sense of awe mixed with nervousness. Ryan waved to the men as the elevator got to the floor and walked with Jane.

"Since you are here, would you like to grab a coffee?" He asked, gesturing towards the exit.

"Sure, that sounds great!" Jane said, following Ryan out of the building.

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