》Depressive Relapse《

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For itsmeshoyohinata
What is depressive relapse?
Doctors define relapse as another episode of depression that happens fewer than six months after you've been treated for acute depression. A recurrence is a new episode that comes after six months or longer since the previous episode has resolved.

• Irritability
• Loss of your interests
• Loss of attraction to your partner
• Difficulty concentrating
• Sleep changes
• Social withdrawal
• Feeling down, teary or hopeless for an extendend period of time
• Feeling "worthless" or "unworthy"
• Weight changes
• Fatigue
What causes despressive relapse?
• The death of a loved one
• Ruminating on negative experiences, mistakes and painful memories
• Stressful life events (e.g. upcoming exam)
• Changes to the family structure (e.g. divorce)
• Hormonal changes

What can you do against it?
First thing, and I know many people say that, is talking to someone about it. It really helps. You can talk to your friends, your family or everyone else. But please talk to someone in real life. Of course, you can also talk to your online friends but mostly, they can't help live, with actions.
Go and start practicing self-care. You can start with telling yourself sentences like "I can do it!" or "I love myself!" or "I am wonderful!" every day. For example when you see your reflection ina mirror.
Also remind yourself that it is temporary and you already overcame depression and you have enough power to do it again.
Try to be active and go outside, spend some time with your family or friends. You could also try out new hobbies to meet new people and find new friends.
The last step is to get enough sleep every night. You should get at least seven hours of sleep everyday.

I hope I could help you and I am always happy to help in the future too <3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2023 ⏰

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