Chapter XIII. The Great Funeral

Start from the beginning

Daeron smiles "You will see all of that" looking into my eyes "With me"

I blush "Tomas" Daeron smiles at me "I want to have a life with you, let us marry and do all of that together"

Daeron looks around with a serious tone "You are being emotional" My smile fades and he looks at me "It is understandable but unnecessary" 

"What does that mean?"

"Everything in his time, Lyanna"


In another flashback, Winterfell before I leave with Jaime to King's Landing. In my room, I put my clothes in bags. Daeron walks into the room with a sad smile "I saw Jaime training in the courtyard and thought to see you" 

I pace around collecting my things "Yes, I do not want to leave, Bran; he did not wake yet and" I groan "My body boiling" I sigh "I do not want to leave"

Daeron leans on the doorway "You must leave go see the world, Lyanna. you wanted this for years"

I smile sadly "I wanted this but__"

Daeron cuts me "Jaime will not lock you in King's Landing, he will honour you, I am sure of that"

I sigh looking outside the window "He did, He is a kind man"

Daeron pleads "Lyanna, Please do not turn into me" I look at him confused "And stay with him unemotional"


In another flashback, King's Landing. After the tournament in honour of Lord Stark, I walk into the passage for the first time, I put my hand on my belly protectively to feel safe.

The passages are so dark only light from my torch, Daeron leaving in dawn to Driftmark but he asked to see me.

Daeron smiles "You came in time"

I sigh looking around "What do you want in the middle of the night, Daeron?"

Daeron approaches me "I am leaving in the dawn, you have a chance to leave with me"

I stare at him "With your wife and run away from my husband"

"You do not love him, we love each other and___"

I cut him "And what?? betray our partners?!! the people we gave oath we will honor them"

Daeron sighs "Lyanna, I asked your father before and he refused__" 

I shout "You feeling guilty?!!"

Daeron snaps "I am here because I love you" I wince in pain putting my hand on my belly, Daeron stares at me "You are with child"

I take a deep breath "You are being emotional" I look around "It is understandable but unnecessary" Daeron looks down "Stay unemotional"

Daeron nods "Lyanna__"

I shake my head "I love you, Daeron but my child will raise with his father and in a loving family like you said he is a good man and I know he will honour me"


In another flashback, hours before the battle, In Daeron's room. Daeron sits in the bed shirtless and I stand wearing a robe and fix my hair turning to him "What takes your mind away, Daeron?"

Daeron stands wearing his trouser "That you will turn into me or the greed of throne it you like he wears his shirt "I am scared of you" I raise my eyebrow "I am scared you will eat them like the Lannisters"

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