53. Max

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He was only a few minutes away from the set, Max knew how excited Kalki was about this. To double the fun of it all, he decided he would surprise her on set during her break.

He had Anika had schemed the entire plan so that he could see Kalki before he left for the start of the season. His phone buzzed.

Anika: HURRY UP!
Max: I'm outside! Bring her out already.
Anika: I'm trying but she's really wrapped in a conversation right now.
Max: with who?
Anika: Sam. THE SAM. He's very polite and nice to look at 😏

Max barged into the set, seeing the stunned look on everyone's faces he stopped. Apologised and mumbled something about getting the wrong address and stumbled away. In the corner of his eye he could see Kalki running towards him.

"What are you doing here!" She wrapped her arms around him. "I missed you so much." She pecked his cheek.

"I wanted to surprise you but now I'm shocked." He grumbled.

"What happened?"

"Kalki answer in yes or no."

"Okay?" She looked at him strangely.

"Three dates turned into thirty, I've even called you my love and I made it abundantly clear how much I love you."

"That you have." She smiled at him.

"Do you want me to be your boyfriend or not? I'm just a little surprised that you haven't already asked me the question yet."

His confusion made Kalki laugh, she laughed in her beautiful voice and planted a kiss on his lips. Yes Max I do. I do want you to be my boyfriend and I'm so sorry I forgot to pop the question.

"Thank you. I feel much more secure now." He kissed her back.

"Do you want to come inside? Meet the Idols?" She asked him.

"Ah yes, I'd like to meet that Sam boy. My competition I beat by a few seconds." He grinned.

Kalki led him in, introducing the group to Max. A lot of the crew already knew him, which made him turn as red as a beet. Being recognised and praised always made him feel a little awkward he didn't know how to respond to it.

"Kalki here was just telling me about you! I've already heard so many good things about you." A good looking dark haired man shook his hand. He could see Anika behind him. She mouthed the word "SAM."

Max was so glad he made it in time, losing Kalki to this man would have been unbearable. Kalki linked arms with him, she could get away from the set for a while.

Both of them walked around a little park for a bit, none of them said anything, just enjoying each other's company. Max couldn't wipe the smile off of his face. This is all he ever wanted.

The time and location just made it better. He smiled at Kalki, what were the odds? To be in the most romantic city in the word, in the winter sun, with the love of your life.


I AM SORRY I DIDNT KNOW HOW TO END THIS😭😭😭 if you have any ideas please comment them here and I'll try my best to incorporate them as like a "bonus" chapter.

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