Chapter 6

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The next day Colin felt like a different person. He wanted to forget the person he had been for the past month, who had hurt his family. Today would have been an important day, he would have asked for Penelope's hand, but before doing so he owed his family an apology, that's why he had brought together his mother, Anthony and Benedict in the living room.
When he came down the stairs he started to feel a little nervous going up, he stopped for a moment and let out all his breath before entering.
Everyone suddenly turned around, they were in front of the buffet drinking tea and eating biscuits and everyone stopped looking at him with their mouths open. dear Colin... - Violet said going towards him and hugging him crying.
"I'm sorry mother....I'm sorry I hurt you..please forgive me," Colin said hugging her.
-My love, I would forgive you anything..... except if you had lost the most important thing for you, Penelope. -
"Brother you're nicer than I remembered without that bush in his face," Anthony said patting him on the shoulder.
Colin smiled gratefully at his brother viscount who, for once, hadn't launched into tirades.
Then he turned to Benedict who was elegantly dressed.
- Benedict -
-Colin... I see you clearly- Benedict said blushing slightly.
-Are you going somewhere? Colin asked
-Yes, I have a date later...after you give your apology speech...I guess-
Colin sighed, that was why he had brought them together, then he would clear things up with Benedict about Penelope.
-As Benedict anticipated, I owe you all an apology for my unseemly behavior....I lost my mind...I was afraid I had lost the most important thing in my life....and I didn't know what to do.... now I know. I inform you that this morning I'm going to ask for Penelope's hand and I sincerely hope to crown my dream, to have Penelope by my side. - he said looking directly at Benedict.
-Ohh darling I'm so happy....finally I can have my dear Penelope here with me as another daughter! -
-And maybe you will also be happy to organize a fantastic wedding for your son? Colin said, smiling at his mother.
-Ohh but of course that's obvious... -
-Maybe we can see what Penelope thinks about it, maybe she could be interested in another brother, maybe a brother who doesn't lose his head easily ... that he knows what he wants ...-said Benedict
-I know what I want and want Penelope and she wants me too...I can assure you 100%,-
-Did you do something that I don't know?? Please don't tell me that I have to prepare myself for some scandal... - complained Anthony.
-No! - both Colin and Benedict said.
Anthony sighed relaxing.
"I'm going to the Featherington house," Colin said
-I'm coming with you- Benedict said taking a huge bouquet of flowers that he had hidden on the armchair.
They all heard a growl from Colin.
-Guys, don't fight, I trust more in Penelope's sensibleness than in you. So go and get it over with." Violet said hiding a smile behind her cup of tea.
Both Colin and Benedict ran towards the exit, Colin retrieving his bunch of flowers, much paler than Benedict's, but he knew it was the flower Penelope usually identified with, yellow and orange wallflowers. The colors of their first dance dress. The colors that, every time he saw them, Colin thought of that sweet, shy little girl who had made him fall off his horse.
-Mother what's wrong with you, do you realize that you sent 2 of your sons to court Penelope? -
-Of course I'm not stupid, and I know my children and I know Penelope, I already know how the story will end ... It's better that I write to Daphne immediately, she must help me organize the wedding ....- she said clapping her hands of joy.
Colin and Benedict almost gasped to the Featheringtons' door.
-How long do you plan to go on with this farce Benedict, you know that Penelope loves me! -
-Really? Because you know the last time I met her she was very disappointed in you.... when I kissed her, those beautiful...-
-What did you do?? Colin yelled
-I kissed was so sweet...she didn't have any engagement with you, right? -
Colin was dumbfounded....after all Penelope hadn't met him yet and they had cleared up about it....but a glimmer of his usual uncertainty had ignited in him...what if Penelope really had chosen Benedict, the artist brother with a concrete future and with more salt in the pumpkin than him? What did he have to offer Penelope, he had neither art nor part ..
Benedict saw Colin's face freeze and decided it was time to give his brother a good shake.
With two strides he reached the door and knocked then turned defiantly to Colin.
Colin recovered from the impasse and went after him.
He went to open the butler who looked first one then the other.
-The gentlemen are expected? -
"Yes," they said together.
-Come in, I announce you-
The butler entered the parlor where a quivering Penelope and a still unaware Portia waited.
-Yes Jeffrey what is it? -
-Lord Benedict Bridgerton and Lord Colin Bridgerton request an audience, madame. Do I let them in? -
Penelope frowned, what was Benedict doing with Colin?
-Yes, of course! Who knows what they came to do? -
Penelope looked at her frustrated, her mother kept thinking that there was nothing for her to do, she would die a spinster.
When the two brothers entered, Penelope was completely enraptured by Colin's burning gaze, seeing Colin's face left her breathless and she jumped up.
There was that moment of electricity that was always between them, that emotional tension that now had also become erotic after their first kiss. Colin planted his dazzling green eyes on Penelope, running them over her face, neck, décolleté and body wrapped in a lovely bright green dress.
Penelope parted her mouth panting, maybe she was thinking about the kiss they had given... Colin thought.
It was Benedict who broke contact between the two.
-Penelope you are lovely these are for you- handing the huge bunch of flowers that almost covered the view of Colin's older brother.
-I'd like to talk to you while Colin has tea with your mother. -
Portia looked dumbfounded at that curtain and Colin couldn't help but sigh and sit down, Benedict had taken the initiative and couldn't do anything but have faith in the words spoken by Penelope the day before.
Penelope led Benedict into the farthest sitting room and waited for her bridesmaid before closing the door.
-Benedict what game are you playing?- said Penelope
-Ohh nothing I'm just probing my brother's nerves....I have to see if he's worthy of you!....ohh come on Penelope let me have some fun...after all Colin drove us crazy in the past month!! Keeping him on his toes is fine with him! -
-Benedict Bridgerton you are incorrigible you know!!! I hope you find a girl who will put you through the hell you're putting Colin through. -
-I hope to find a woman just like you dear sister. -
Penelope's eyes filled with tears.
Ohh Benedict! -
-Come on and now you get me out of the way before my brother tries to unhinge the door! -
He bent down to kiss Penelope on her cheek and walked away from her making a dramatic bow.
Penelope shook her head smiling.
She then she sighed and walked back into the living room.
Colin was where she'd left him with his legs crossed sipping tea and listening with unrelenting patience to Portia Featherington's chatter.
She noticed her plate full of sweets still untouched and it told him how nervous Colin was.
She flashed him a smile so sweet that she shook the cup on her saucer at Colin.
-Have you liquidated my brother? -
-Yes, because I know in brother that I want-
Colin smiled at Penelope and then set the cup down on the coffee table and addressed Portia
-Miss Featherington I ask you the honor of marrying her daughter Penelope-
Portia gasped for a moment and then sent her foot flying like a missile.
-Ohh I can't believe it, Penelope is getting married too!!! And with a Bridgerton! Ohh how lucky I am. -
-Mom!! - Penelope said mortified
-No miss Featherington I'm the lucky one, now if you allow me a moment with Penelope-
-Yes, go ahead... Then I have to invite the Strattons...the Abbernabys... -
Colin took Penelope's hand and led her into the sitting room closing the door behind him.
"Colin sorry..." but Colin didn't let her finish as he pounced on her lips devouring them.
Penelope dug her hands into Colin's hair to hold it back when he saw him pull away from her.
-Ohh god Pen I wanted to do it as soon as I saw you.... Sorry. -
-You don't have to apologize Colin, you never have to apologize to me, I love you and you drive me crazy when you kiss me. Never stop doing this to me-
"Ohh no my love I will never stop loving you in every way I know...." he said kissing her neck.

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