Author's note (I'm back!)

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Hello everyone! It's been so long.

Through the past years, I have come across many obstacles in my life, it's been tough for me in every aspect of life, but especially mentally. But I have grown since then and am in a completely different situation.

Today is the first day I've read the comments on my previous chapter, and I still get notifications from readers who have been waiting for way too long for an update. I sincerely apologize for leaving you guys hanging, but I've decided to continue the story for all of you.

Writing is a hobby that I have been neglecting for way too long, and I would love to start again and maybe find that passion that I had many years ago. Maybe this can be a way to heal my inner child, my inner teenager and the current young adult that I am.

It's been a very long since I have written a story, so I don't know if I still have the same quality of creative storytelling as previously. But I am also excited to show you how my writing has developed throughout the years. I promise to do my best.

Kind regards and much love from me <3

( Please also keep in mind that I'm a student so working on my assignments and studying takes up a lot of my time :,) )

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2023 ⏰

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