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Harry and Daphne had met in the common room the next morning, they both agreed to wait for Tracy to come down, and once she did the trio made their way to breakfast. They sat at the Slytherin table.

"Not a morning person?" Harry asked Tracy who looked like she wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep

"No" She rubbed her eyes "I don't get how anyone can be"

"I've just always woken up early" Harry shrugged

"So have I" Daphne added "I was..."

"Hey" Hermione interrupted as she came up to the three "why didn't you tell me you were Harry Potter?"

"Simply because the result would've been me being stuck in an enclosed place while being bombarded with questions" Harry replied "at least here I can escape if I want"

"But Adrian Potter isn't supposed to have a brother" She said "you're not mentioned in any of the books that mentioned him"

"Those books never mentioned the fact that you exist, yet here you are" Harry responded "so Daphne, looking forward to classes?"

"Yes" Daphne nodded "I'm really looking forward to charms class, I've heard that the teacher is really nice"

"Professor Flitwick, right?" Harry asked "I've heard that he is a former duelling champion, my mum was good at charms and my father was brilliant at transfigurations. I think my best subject would be one of those two or defence against the dark arts"

"Hey, don't ignore me!" Hermione demanded

"I'm sorry" Harry said "but I wasn't ignoring you, I had rather hoped that you had taken the hint and left"

"Yes, please go" Tracy said "it's the morning and I am too tired to hear you shouting" Hermione huffed and walked off.

"She's quite irritating isn't she?" Daphne spoke once Hermione had left

"My mother did her best at school to make muggleborns seem smart and likeable" Harry sighed "and that girl is going to throw all of her hard work down the bloody drain" Severus Snape had walked up to the three, he pretended not to hear what Potter said about his mother but internally he agreed.

"Here are your timetables" He handed them each a timetable

"Thank you sir" The three said. With a nod, Snape left, Potters words were still ringing in his ear.

Soon it was time for transfigurations, Harry and his friends made their way into class. Harry stared at the cat that was sitting on the desk, a sudden realisation came to him and he nodded to the cat while mouthing the words 'hello professor', resulting in the cats eyes widening. Harry wanted to sit at the back and fortunately for him, the other two did as well. Soon Hermione came in, she glanced at the three before turning her head and sitting right at the front.

"You ever get the feeling that she thinks she is better than us?" Tracy whispered

"No, of course not" Daphne said sarcastically

"What are you three talking about?" Hermione turned her head to look at the three from the desk

"We were discussing an important question, actually, maybe you have the answer to our question" Harry replied

"What question?"

"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" Harry answered, leaving Hermione a bit surprised. "Personally I think it's about five, what about you?" Hermione had started thinking of an answer when the rest of the classroom started arriving, Draco Malfoy saw Harry and his friends.

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