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This is the request page! Here, you can request anything you want.

List of things that I will do:
- Romance
- Platonic
- Fluff
- Angst
Basically, the usual stuff.

What I won't do is:
- Smut/Lemon
- Underage characters
- S//c//de or S//lf H//m
- Incesm or any other gross thing

For (Y/n), I will use neutral pronouns (they/them), mainly because the game uses them, as well as to include more people.

Here's a list of what some things will mean just in case anyone is confused

(Y/n) - Your Name (it can either be your real name, your character's name, etc)

(E/c) - Eye Color

(S/c) - Skin Color

(H/c) - Hair Color

(Y/b) - Your build (To explain, in game, you get a build depending on what stat you put stat points in. For example, if you put stat points only in Magic and Weapons, you become a conjurer. If you do only weapons, you become a Warrior. There's 11 builds. Servant, Warden, Paladin, Juggernaut, Knight, Mage, Warlock, Conjurer, Warlord, Berserker and Warrior)

(Y/w) - Your weapon

(Y/m) - Your magic (There's 20 types of magic in the game. Here's a list of all of them. Acid, Ash, Crystal, Earth, Explosion, Fire, Glass, Ice, Light, Lightning, Magma, Metal, Plasma, Poison, Sand, Shadow, Snow, Water, Wind and Wood)

Please don't read the fics if you haven't completed the current story quests, as you may get spoiled.

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