Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

Alastriona's eyes ran over the article The Quibbler had published over and over and over again. The words sinking into her mind until she could see them on the backs of her eyelids. Harry's interview haunted her every step. 

Another 'Educational Decree' was made, stating any student in possession of the magazine would be expelled and it made Alastriona's blood boil. 
Alastriona found Giselle in the library, sketching an unaware Madam Pince from a secluded spot on the floor. 

Giselle beamed when Alastriona joined her on the floor. "Afternoon, fellow criminal." She said jokingly, nudging her with her elbow. 

Alastriona stifled a grin. "You heard about the newest Umbridge Law?" Giselle nodded. "I think something needs to be done about it but this time I may need a little more... involved help."
She glanced around to make sure no students were listening, but most had left the library when they'd seen her walk in. "I need someone to watch my back."

Giselle's grin turned into a sly smirk. "When and where?" She asked. 

Alastriona's hand strained, the words becoming a little shaky

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Alastriona's hand strained, the words becoming a little shaky. She let go of the spell and lowered her wand and hand, shaking out her hand and flexing her fingers. 

"Come on, Red." Giselle whispered from the entrance of the Great Hall, continuously peaking her head out. 

Alastriona nodded, raised her wand again and continued to write the same words of the article she was reading. She wrote them in bold red, Harry's account of the night Cedric died, making sure not to miss even one quotation mark.
She finally finished and placed several permanent sticking charms over the writing and stepped back to admire her work. Glancing back at the table where the professor's sat she knew they'd all be able to see it from there and so would every student who came into the Great Hall.

"Okay, I'm done." Alastriona called lowly. 

Giselle popped back into the Great Hall, whistling lowly at the words. "Nicely done, Red."

Alastriona bumped her shoulder. "Thanks. Let's get out of here before someone finds us." 

Alastriona contemplated going to the Hospital Wing, sneaking in and sleeping on a cot as she had been for weeks but her heart longed for the warmth and security of the Hufflepuff Common Room.

Giselle and Alastriona walked together in silence, tired eyes barely able to stay open after the late night vandalism. They didn't say goodbye at the crossroads, simply went their seperate ways. 

Alastriona missed the hugs Theo, Blaise, Tracey and Draco would give at the crossroads, every night after dinner they'd hug each other even though they knew they'd see each other again in a matter of hours.

Alastriona knocked the tune of Helga Hufflepuff on the barrels and walked in to an empty Common Room. The fire was still roaring and Alastriona settled into the couch in front of it, she pulled a fluffy blanket draped over the back of the couch on top of her and snuggled in, resting her tired eyes. 

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