Great dream

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To understand this story, you have to read the prologue 

Your pov: head hurts...

I touch with my hand my hand. I sat up. I out my hand back on the ground. Wait, what am I doing on a ground? Did I sleep while walking?? I look around. This place...I never seen it yet, it's so familiar... it has a lot if rooms or shops? Arcade and other stuff. Then I saw a name. "Pizzaplex"... This name is also familiar...ah! Of course! It's from the game security breach! One of my favourite games! And I am here- wait how did I end up here??? Hm...ah, I sacrificed myself to a stranger boy! Well, atleast I'm a great person than the other people who just stayed there and watched.  And well I died and got reincarnated here?? Or maybe this is just a dream while I'm laying in the hospital unconscious. I wo der what happened to that boy though... welp, no time to waste. If this is just a dream I should atleast do something. 

My plan was surviving this place for a week without any help of freddy. So it will be more fun! Ok, I sound like a maniac-

I'm walking and walking and walking.  Doing nothing. Thinking about something.  That is that I want to pee- well shit! Where is the damn toilet?!

Yip, I found it. It was close... Now continue walking...




Alright...this is getting boring now. Why are there no animatronics?!! I've been walking for am hour!! I sat on a bench I saw and rested my head on the bench. I  guess I can sleep here-


...oh hell no- I turned to the voice and saw a figure. It had bunny ears with female body. I already knew who that is...vanny... 

Yeah gotta get out of here. And I started running.  As I expected she chased me. But she was slow. Thankfully. But then I heard noises from infront of me. I wanted to stop but if I stop I will get killed by that bunny so no. But also not a good idea. A big bird or animatronic came out from a corner infront of me. It was obvious who that was. It's glamrock chica. She fell on her stomach and looked at me. Yip. She's going to chase me. As I expected she ran towards me and I went into a shop next to me. And I hid there because I am the stupid person that dies first in the horror movie. Well there is no second here-

They were searching for me. I was hiding. Holding my breath. Trying to stay calm. Trying not to have sneezes-


... yeah that sucks now...I stood up and ran towards the exit of the shop. I already saw vanny and chica following me. But I was still faster because I actually don't know.

I was running and they were still behind me. I was starting to get tired. I hid behind a corner and breath. 

"There you are~"




What a great dream.

Sorry this chapter was short af. But I'm really tired because it's 2 at night. And I'm a long sleeper. I hope the next chapter will be longer. 

Bye have a nice day/evening!^^

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