Confession|| fluff

81 1 8

[ Requested by noth1ngher3_m1oo !]

[ Any pronouns 🌙 ]


Y/n had been crushing on N for some time. There was just something about N that made y/n head over heals for him. He was so cute and innocent. He always sounded so cheery and his voice..well, everything about him gave them butterflies.

He was just so..endearing.

Y/n had no clue that N felt the same way. Ever since N had met her he was just head over heals. He immediately clung to him without hesitation. Y/n was nicer to him; hence why he couldn't help himself.

Y/n found themselves always gawking at him and admiring him but what's not to like? He was just so charming..

So they planned to confess. They weren't sure how but God damnit he had to come up with something..


Y/n took a deep breath and approached the male. She already was doubting this. 'Ohgodohgod! AmIreallydoingthis??Ishouldturnaround! THISISABADIDEA' they thought, growing more nervous as he got closer. This caught N's attention, turning to them with a confused expression plastered on their face. "Oh hey y/n! Is there anything you need?" He asked with a genuine smile.

"..y-..yeah. I just wanted to tell you something." Y/n rubbed the back of her neck. "Oh?" He tilted his head. precious.

They blushed slightly.

"Well I'd love to hear it! whatever it is!" He smiled. "..N..I uh..I like you." He managed to say. N's eyes widened as he stiffened slightly, blush appeared on his visor. For a moment there was silent before N nearly fell back.

..that was unexpected.

Y/n quickly helped the shorter up. Wrapping their arm around his waist as they helped him stand once again.  "I-I'm sorry- I didn't mean to startle you. I understand if you just wanna remain fr-"

N cut them off. "N-o! You misunderstand!" He waved his hands nervously which came to stop shortly.

"I-I..feel that way about you too, y/n." N admitted, smiling warmly at the other. "Really..?" She perked up at this. He nodded, "yeah." He said in a calm manner.

Y/n grabbed N's arm lightly, pulling him into a kiss. His eyes widened as he slowly closed them, melting into y/n's touch.

"Gross." J looked at the two in disgust.

Sorry it's short- hope I did alright :)

397 words.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2023 ⏰

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