Chapter 2: My Near Execution

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I woke up much later in the wooden cart riding through a familiar place. We were passing through the woods in Falkreeth hold. I was so close to home. I thought that they were arresting me for being with the Stormcloaks, and that they would put me in the jail at my home town.
"You're finally awake?" I heard Ralof say
I looked across from me to see a man in the cart who wasn't there when they put us on here. They must've got him when I was asleep.
"Damn you Stormcloaks to oblivion." The new guy said, "Skyrim was fine until you came along. The empire was nice and lazy."
I heard Ulfric grunt through his the cloth around his mouth.
"What's with him?" The new guy rudely questioned
"Watch your tongue!" Ralof yelled, "You're speaking to Ulfric Stormcloak, the true high king!"
"Ulfric Stormcloak? You're the leader of the rebellion, but if they captured you... Oh God! Where are they taking us!?"
"I don't know where we're going, but Sovngarde awaits."
I hadn't thought of that. It was sad but true. They were going to execute us. I would never get to be a member of the Companions. I was soon going to die.
"Hey, where are you from, horse thief?" Ralof asked the new guy. That must be why he's on this cart with us.
"Why do you care?" The horse thief answered.
"A Nord's last thoughts should be of home."
"Rorikstead! I'm from Rorikstead!"
We began to ride into Helgen. It was a town in my home hold. As we rode by General Tulius and the Thalmor, we talked about how horrible they were.
After we talked about experiences in Helgen, the cart came to a stop.
"Step to the block when we call your name!" An imperial guard yelled
A young male soldier named us off one by one.
"Ulfric Stormcloak, jarl of Windhelm." The soldier said and Ulfric did as he was told
"Ralof of Riverwood." Ralof did as told
"Lokir of Rorikstead." The horse thief began to run
"Your not gonna kill me!" Lokir said as he ran
"Archers!" The guard yelled, and Lokir was shot with an arrow and killed, "Anyone else feel like running?"
The young male soldier then turned to me.
"You?" He said, "Who are you?"
"I'm Skysearch Silver-Soul. I'm from
"Captain," he turned to the guard, "she's not on the list."
"Forget the list!" The captain rudely said, "She goes to the block!"
"I'm so sorry." The young male soldier looked at me with sympathy, "At least you'll die here, in your homeland."
I walked over to the block. I stood there as General Tulius went on and on about how "horrible" Ulfric was. In my opinion General Tulius was the horrible one.
"Give them their last rights!" The guard yelled
"As we commend your souls to-" the priestess got cut off
"For the love of Talos just shut up and let's get this over with!" A Stormcloak soldier said as he angrily walked up to the block
"As you wish."
"My ancestors are smiling at me Imperials! Can you say the same?" The soldier said as he lined his head up on the block.
With one swing, the executioner took his head off.
"Next!" The guard yelled, "The Nord in the rags!"
I knew they were talking about me. I walked over to the block and laid my head down on it. I looked over at the mountain in the direction of my home. Just when the executioner was about to swing his ax, the unthinkable happened!

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