Chapter Two: Klee. Guess How It Ends

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I don't believe anyone or anything deserve to die.

Klee shakes her head.

"He only calmed it down because it was going on a remwage." Klee says solemnly.

"It's pronounced rampage." Albedo says, still staring at me.

"Do you need something from me?" I ask him.

"No, it's seem oddly familiar to me. Maybe it's your face?" He asks.


"Are you someone who has been to Inazuma before?" I ask.

"Well, I have been to Inazuma before, but from what Miss Alice has told me, I believe we discovered that you are from five hundred years ago? You see, I went to Inazuma just six months ago." Albedo says.

I stare at him in confusion as he gazes back at me.

We must have stayed in that awkward silence for far too long, because Klee speaks up.

"Um, big brother Albedo, it's cold in here. Can we wait for mister Honorary Knight outside?" She asks.

Albedo tears his eyes off of me and nods to Klee.

The red clothed girl grabs my hand, smiling up at me with the most adorable expression.

"Let's go out into the sun, Mister Kabuki!" Klee says.

I nod and follow the girl outside.

"The sun is quite warm..." I say softly, closing my eyes.

Klee closes her eyes as well.

"It's so warmmmmm " Klee hums.

I notice the girl standing on her tippy toes trying to reach the sunshine, so I pick her up by her arms and hold her in my own.

Klee smiles wide and reaches her arms towards the blue sky.

"I wanna fly in the sky some day." Klee says.

"Klee!" A stern voice says.

I turn my head behind me to see a girl as small as Klee with pink hair and adorable cat ears standing there.

"You are being so loud! My ears are sensitive, you know." Pink haired girl pouts.

"We're sorry Diona." Klee says.

I smile at Diona.

"We shall try to be quieter, Diona-chan. Would you like to enjoy the sun with us?" I ask.

"I don't need anything dumb like the sun! I- o-oh, that does feel good." Diona admits, her calico tail twitching happily behind her.

"Come on Diona, it's nice and warm!" Klee sings.

I shift Klee into my left arm and extend my right arm to the cat girl.

Diona tentatively approaches me and I pick her up with my right arm alone.

I know that many people are surprised at my strength.

My family at Tatarasuna were as well.

I hold both girls in my arms as we enjoy the sun together.

"Well aren't you the strong one." A voice says from behind us, causing Diona's tail to fluff up.

I turn my head to see Albedo walking up to us.

I guess he saw me singlehandedly lift Diona into my arms alongside Klee?

"Greetings, Albedo-san." I say.

Omnipresent No Kami (KazuScara kinda)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang